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Paranormal and DreamScape Art
In this room you will find all paintings related to Paranormal and DreamScape art fkliiger@hotmail.com

Index List

  • item one:
  • Black Winged Angels. Click on image. This image began as a dream. The image is symbolic of Nostradamus's future predicting abilities. The hieroglyphs explain that hidden under the Acropolis in an undiscovered tomb are remnants of books and treasures rescued from the sacking of the Library of Alexandria. In the distance behind the angels is a view of the Acropolis. The remaining icons on the painting refer to the presence of the occult energies involved in his prophecies.
  • item two:
  • Blue Light Entity. Click on image. In a dream, I was floating along the floor of an old house that I knew. Except this house was much older with peeling wallpaper and water dripping down the walls on the inside. I passed an arched window and at that moment some movement to my side caught my attention and I turned to see what was there. To my surprise (I was quite startled) this entity appeared in translucent white with flowing white hair and a skull face.
    I attempted to attack this entity, but as I made contact with it, the entity disappeared and the dream ended. Each succeeding night I had the same dream and the same reaction. The forth time I did not attack the entity, but just stood their waiting. At this point the entity held a glowing orb of blue light in her right hand.
    To my left, floating close to the floor, letters in translucent glowing white appeared. They were written in some form of ancient greek. The entity made no sound or movement. Then the dream ended with a violent jerk that woke me up. I wrote the symbols down as I remembered them. The symbols phonetically spelled out the phrase; TAKE THE CRYSTAL, GAZE INTO THE BLUE LIGHT AND SEE.
  • item three:
  • Blue Water Ghost. Click on image. The Blue Water Ghost is the same spectre as depicted in the Blue light Entity image. I will see this entity in my dreams, and after such a dream, there will be a flood or rain/hail storm somewhere that day either close to where I live, or some place of personal interest to me.
  • item four:
  • Sprites. Click on image. This image came to mind during a day dream while exploring the topic of Sprites.

    The paintings on this site are Copyrite protected © 1997 by International Copywrite Law. Duplication of my art without permission is a violation of that law. This page revised: Aug/19/99

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