
Uwedat® Servicetool




Main Menu Button

Help Button

Device Number


Start Calibration

Set System Time

Call Center

Variable MV

Uwedat® Servicetool


The Command-Menu comprises controls for maintenance and service tasks. The Command-Menu is an extension to the Status-View, therefore, all status-information are also available in the Command-Menu view area. For a detailed description of the displayed information see Status-View .



Main Menu ButtonQuit the Command-Menu and returns to the Main-View.
Help ButtonCalls the online-help for the Command-View (this chapter)
Device Number This entry-field is used to specify a device by component-number for use with "Start Calibration" and "Varible MW". If you don't know the approbiate component-number, use the Device-Selector button to open the Device Selector .

Maintenance ON disables the data-processing. The data-acquisition continues, so the service-technician can make adjustments and calibrations to the measuring devices and can watch the results immediately, but these data-values are not used for mean value calculation.

Maintenance OFF re-enables the data processing.
Start CalibrationThis control is used to start a device calibration beyond the schedule. This forced calibration is carried out even within blocking-time. A device or a device-group must be selected by the component-entryfield or by the Device Selector to perform this task.
Set System TimeThis control is used to synchronize the environmental monitoring station with your PC-time. Normally this task will be performed by the central monitoring system
Keep in mind: Setting the time usually causes lost of data because the data-processing for pending mean values is restarted.

Call CenterThis control is used to force an autoMessage to the central monitoring system for test-reasons.
Variable MVVariable Mean Values (VMV) can be processed for up to 8 devices (in addition to HMV). To setup a VMV you have
to select a device or multiple devices (a device-group)
to determine a mean value period
[01] [02] [03] [05] [06] [10] [15] minutes
to start (restart) VMV with this button
Use the Device Selector to configure a device-group for VMV or to edit a existing device-group. Restart with an empty device-group (no device selected at all) to stop any VMV.

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