
Uwedat® Servicetool





Raw/Final Values

Mean Values





Main Menu Button

Help Button

Device Number

Time Period

Load Button

Previous Button

Next Button

Load File Button

Save File Button

File Dialog

Raw/Final Values





Mean Values









Uwedat® Servicetool



The Data-View is provided to examine both the measuring-values and the results of the data-processing. The measuring-values are divided into raw-values and final-values, the results of the data-processing are usually mean-values (HMV and VMV), a special cases of data-processing is the recording of extreme-values (ie. wind-gust).

A subsection of the Data-View is the Diagram-View, a comprehensive graphical representation of the data-history and data-development, which supplements the standard tabular data-view. The Data-View is intented for maintenance tasks, therefore the functional scope is kept very simple.


The Data-View consists of a tabbed pane divided into seven display-sections - five tabular dataviews and two graphical dataviews. Click on the overview-list to see a short description to each dataview-section.


Raw/Final Values: all measuring-values are displayed and refreshed automatically in periodic intervals (10 seconds)
Mean Values: all measuring-values out of a selected time-period are displayed
Data history: selected measuring-values out of a selected time-period are displayed
Data-Diagram: selected measuring-values out of a selected time-period are rendered as line-graphs

Raw/Final Values

Raw Values are the result of the signal-conversion - the electrical input-signal is converted in technical units by use of a polynomial. For instance the signal-voltage of the temperature-sensor is converted into ° Celsius.
Final Values are the result of the signal-postprocessing. Post-processing is used for data-correction by applying calibration-values, or if the use of different technical units is required for data-evaluation (i.e. ppm versus µg, or m/sec versus km/h).

Mean Values

Halfhour Mean Values (HMV) are the result of the standard data-processing. The environmental monitoring station is capable to store up to 21 days of HMV for up to 48 components.
Variable Mean Values (VMV) are the result of user-defined data-processing. VMVs may be established for up to 8 components. The storage of VMVs depends on the number of components and the choosen time-interval. The environmental monitoring station is capable to store at minimum 3 days of VMV for 8 components.


The Data-History view is provided to examine the development of mean-values of single components.
HMVs can be traced back up to 21 days.
The depth of VMV-retrospection depends on the number of components involved and the choosen time-interval between VMV. The range of VMV-retrospection is at least 3 days and at maximum 360 days.


The first column of the displayed data determines the initial sorting order of the table. You can re-sort the displayed data by double-click on each of the table-heads. The sorting order changes from ascending order to descending order and vice versa with every subsequent double-click.

The Diagram-View is the graphical representation of mean-values. Both the HMV and the VMV of selected components are rendered as line-graphs.


The Data-View Menu is used to request the measuring-values from the environmental monitoring station and to archive the data if required on floppy or harddisc.

Main Menu ButtonQuit the Data-View and returns to the Main-View.
Help ButtonCalls the online-help for the Data-View (this chapter)
Device Number This entry-field is used to select a component for data-request. You can specify a single component directly by component-number. If you don't know the approbiate component-number, use the Device-Selector button to open the Device Selector . The Device Selector can also be used to make multiple selections at once.
Time Period This entry-field is used to select the time-period for data-history and mean-value extracts.
Format: FROM MM-DD hh:mm TO MM-DD hh:mm
(M = Month, D = Day, h = Hour, m = Minute)
Example: FROM [11-15 00:00] TO [11-16 13:30]
Suggestion: FROM [MM-DD 00:00] TO [present-time]
Get all data: FROM [00-00 00:00] TO [present time]
Don't exceed the suggested present-time. Time-periods dated to the future may cause troubles because they are interpreted as last-year dates

Load Button The Load button is used to transfer measuring-values or evaluated-data from the environmental monitoring station to the Service-Tool. Depending on the selected dataview you have to add supplementary information to perform the data-request:
Raw/Final Values: no additional information required
Mean Values: Specify a time-period before loading
Data History: Specify a component or multiple components before loading
Diagram View: Specify a component or multiple components before loading

Previous Button The Previous button is used to switch to the previous data-area. The meaning of data-area depends on the selected dataview:
Raw/Final Values: Previous button is not used
Mean Values: Switch to the previous meanvalue-collection
HMV: a half hour earlier, VMV: a time-interval earlier
Data History: Switch to the previous component meanvalues
Diagram View: Previous button is not used

Next Button The Next button is used to switch to the next data-area. The meaning of data-area depends on the selected dataview:
Raw/Final Values: Next button is not used
Mean Values: Switch to the next meanvalue-collection
HMV: a half hour later, VMV: a time-interval later
Data History: Switch to the next component meanvalues
Diagram View: Previous button is not used

Load File ButtonLoad a archived data-collection from harddisk or floppy to the Servicetool and display them. The file-dialog is used to select the approbiate file. The data-files always have the extension "hmv" or "vmv" depending on the type of meanvalues.
Save File ButtonSave a loaded data-collection to harddisk or floppy. The file-dialog is used for filename and subdirectory-selecting. The suggested filnames always have the extension "hmv" or "vmv" depending on the type of meanvalues to be saved.
File Dialog The look and behaviour of the file-dialog depends on the operation system of your Service-Tool PC. The example shows a file-dialog used with the operation system MS Windows.

Top of document

Raw/Final Values

From a technical point of view, raw-values and final-values are instantaneous measuring-values. They are sampled in determined time-intervals, for instance every 10 seconds - and subsequently they are summarized for averaging. Usually ther is no difference between raw-values and final-values, the following explanation indicates possible exceptions to this rule:
Raw-Values are the result of the signal-conversion - the electrical input-signal is converted in technical units by use of a polynomial. For instance the signal-voltage of the temperature-sensor is converted in °Celsius.
Final-Values are the result of the signal-postprocessing. Post-processing is used for data-correction by applying calibration-values, or if the use of different technical units is required for data-evaluation (i.e. ppm versus µg, or m/sec versus km/h).



The data-tables for Raw- and Final-Values are divided into six columns. The meaning of the columns are explained by the column-title (see detailed description of the relevant datafields). Each column can be resized individually by dragging the column-border in horizontal direction.

Each row of the data-table represents a components measuring-value. If the number of components exceeds the size of the table-viewport (the visible area of table-rows) a scrollbar is inserted at the left border of the table.
Device: The component number and short name of the measuring-component.
Value: The measuring-value. If no measuring-value is available this datafield shows a sequence of asterisks ******.
Unit: The technical unit of the measuring-value.
HMV-State: The availability-qualifier of the measuring-value (see detailed description).
Dev_Status: The operating-status of the measuring-device coded into 8 single bit. The meaning of the status-bit is determined by the relevant device-parameter.
Dev_FailStatus: The error-status of the measuring-device coded into 8 single bit. The meaning of the status-bit is determined by the relevant device-parameter.

HMV-StatusThe HMV-Statusbyte is a qualifier which describes the availability (fitness) of the measuring-value. The meaning of the individual bits is listed below:
Bit 0: No measuring-value available
Bit 1: Measuring-device error
Bit 2: Value out of range (overrange)
Bit 3: Value out of range (underrange)
Bit 4: Calibration in progress
Bit 5: Device idle or maintenance-mode
Bit 6: availability between limits
Bit 7: availability under limit
Example: [21] is equal to 0010 0001, the meaning is
Device idle or maintenance-mode + Measuring-device error

Top of document

Mean Values

An important reason for data-averaging is to reduce the number of data-values and to reduce the effects of invalid or poor measuring-values. The environmental monitoring station provides two types of averaging:
Halfhour-Meanvalues (HMV) are the result of the standard data-processing. The environmental monitoring station is capable to store up to 21 days of HMV for up to 48 components. A component may be a physical or a logical component. For instance the wind-gust is described by 3 logical components: wind-gust, related wind-direction and related time-marking of the occurence.
Variable-Meanvalues (VMV) are the result of user-defined data-processing. VMVs may be established for up to 8 components. The storage of VMVs depends on the number of components and the choosen time-interval. The environmental monitoring station is capable to store exactly 3 days of VMV for 8 components with measuring-intervals of 1 minute. If the number of components is decreased, or the time-interval is increased, the storage-capacity will increase accordingly.



The mean-value data-tables are divided into seven columns. The meaning of the columns are explained by the column-title (see detailed description of the relevant datafields). Each column can be resized individually by dragging the column-border in horizontal direction. Each row of the data-table represents a components measuring-value. If the number of components exceeds the size of the table-viewport (the visible area of table-rows) a scrollbar is inserted at the left border of the table.

The mean-values are organized in sets with same date and time (time-marking). The Previous-button and the Next-button is used to walk through these data-sets.
Time Date: The time-marking of the meanvalue.
Device: The component number and short name of the measuring-component.
Value: The mean-value. If no mean-value is available this datafield shows a sequence of asterisks ******.
Unit: The technical unit of the mean-value.
HMV-State: The availability-qualifier of the mean-value (see detailed description).
Dev_Status: The operating-status of the measuring-device coded into 8 single bit. The meaning of the status-bit is determined by the relevant device-parameter.
Dev_FailStatus: The error-status of the measuring-device coded into 8 single bit. The meaning of the status-bit is determined by the relevant device-parameter.

HMV-StatusThe HMV-Statusbyte is a qualifier which describes the availability (fitness) of the measuring-value. The meaning of the individual bits is listed below:
Bit 0: No measuring-value available
Bit 1: Measuring-device error
Bit 2: Value out of range (overrange)
Bit 3: Value out of range (underrange)
Bit 4: Calibration in progress
Bit 5: Device idle or maintenance-mode
Bit 6: availability between limits
Bit 7: availability under limit
Example: [21] is equal to 0010 0001, the meaning is
Device idle or maintenance-mode + Measuring-device error

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The data-history is a comprehensive report of the mean-values of a selected component. This view is used to examine the development of recorded mean-values in tabular form. Use the Data-View menu to select the component and time-period:
HMVs can be traced back up to 21 days.
The depth of VMV-retrospection depends on the number of components involved and the choosen time-interval between VMV. The range of VMV-retrospection is at least 3 days and at maximum 360 days.
The data-history is organized in sets for each selected component. Use the Device-Selector to walk through these data-sets. See the preceeding chapter Mean-Values for detailed information regarding the datafields.


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The Diagram-View is the graphical representation of mean-values. Both the HMV and the VMV of selected components are rendered as line-graphs. Use the Data-View menu to specify the time-period. The components are selected by use of the Device-Selector - a double-click shows the line-graph of the selected component, a subsequent double-click removes the components line-graph.

Auto-scaling is used to fit the graph into the view-area. The graph and the related y-axis are rendered in the same color. Multiple graphs are distinguished by different colors.


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