How Long

- Information Society -

Do you recall that winter evening
The night that I first said I'm leaving
You would change my mind

I lay my head upon you knees and
Whispered please but inside I was
I'm the leaving kind

I could put you off forever
This longing has no end

How long- til you and I can be together
How long- until we see this through

And when the burning leaves are falling
I can always hear you calling
That we are losing ground

But in our secret hearts we're knowing
Our love is winter and it's snowing
Comfort coming down

I could put this off forever
This longing has no end
Advertising lasts a lifetime
If now now, then when

How long- til you and I can be together
How long- until we see this through
How long- until we know that this is forever
How long- til I say I love you
Until we see this through

The sound of thunder in the distance
Tells me what to do
When the daylight turns to darkness
I'll be coming home to you

How long- til you and I can be together
How long- until we see this-
How long- until we know that this is forever
How long- til I say I love you
Until we see this through
Can I say I love you
We've got to see this through

| Moizés Montalvão | Mirian G. S. Montalvão | Vivianne Montalvão |
| Suzanne Montalvão | Amigos | Visitantes | GuestBook |

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