Seeking Visions |
Graduation Speech - 6/24/97 |
Vincent's Zopie Daze |
Notice any landmarks?
I wrote it all in one sitting and I haven't yet read the entire thing myself.
So it's raw...
The Vessel (Excerpts) |
Horrific science fiction...
I wrote this such a long time ago, back in the 11th grade, and it seems much older, to me. The whole thing is about 25,000 words long and could have been even longer, but I'm only including the first "chapter" or so. I may decide to serialize it later... [grin].
Horrific something...
Kokopelli -- A beginning is a good place to start... |
Vaguely related to a song...
This is a story with a story. I'd like to tell you it, but it really is beyond me to relate it all solely in words. If you know about Gamehenge, then you know about one aspect of Kokopelli. If you read the beginning of the story then you have an idea about another part.
That's all I can say really...
Damn cryptic author...
Harry's Harrowing Adventure (Excerpt -- Chapters One and Two) |
How the meek inherit diddly.
I always wondered why plays and movies were called comedy and stories labeled humor. I finally figured out that it's because life is a farce.
Death on the other hand...
Is he still talking?
Cadence: A Last Fall |
What is it like to fall, crashing to the ground, and not know where it was you came from and not know where you are...
Sorry, but this one is not ready yet. I thought about putting up an "excerpt" but there are too damn many of them up here already. I wouldn't want you thinking I don't finish what I start... even if it is true sometimes.
He doesn't care what you think, anyway...
Older stuff...
A New World Order
For English with Mr. Paratore, 11th Grade.