"Nothing is said that has not been said before." -- Terence (185-159 B.C.)

So I've got voices in my head... so does everybody... the important thing is that know it's polite to listen.

Inspiration is a tricky thing.

The weirdest and most ordinary things inspire me. Anything could inspire me, anyone could... I'm sure most everything I've come across has at some point.

I was about to say... "I couldn't even begin to list all the people, places, and things that have influenced me," but then I realized that exactly what I want to do. I want to begin to list some of the many nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc... that have inspired me.
... never mind that it can't be done... just nod your head...

So follow some of these links a maybe you can be inspired, too.

If I could give you anything, that would be it.

By no means given in order of importance (or any kind of order at all... he he ChAoS!! cHaOs!!), here goes:

   [monty python]____    [h r giger]
                    /        |
     [sci-fi]      |         @---[LoZ]  _______[calvin and hobbes]
    /      \       |         |       __/
[asimov]    \   _  |         |      /  
             \_/ \_@----[vOicEs]---@=={martin, madeski, and wood}---*
                   |                                                |
      [NIN]--------|                                                |
                   |_____[douglas adams]                            |
  [bergman]--------|                                                | 
                  / \_____[bela fleck, DMB, jimi smith...]--------@-*
                 /                                                |
      [hackerz.org]                                               /
                                           *--[pick up the groove]
                                           *-----[B3 et al]


© 1997 Daniel Parke -- All Rights Reserved