Still reeling.
No, not from the recent earthquake that rattled our windows and made a big mess of vinegar, olive oil and BBQ sauce on the floor of our fair store and landed us on the national news; but from the excitement and sheer joy that presented itself smack, dab, in the middle of the 20th Gilroy Garlic Festival.
Saturday morning, the 25 th of July, in the middle of my T-shirt booth, just minutes before opening, Greg surprised me by proposing, on bended knee no less.
All I can say was that even though I knew in my heart that I wanted to be with him and loved him very deeply, it wouldn't quite come out of my mouth. I was so surprised that I just stammered "Oh my God!" and burst into tears.
Eventually I was able to stop crying (tears of joy, of course) to say, "Yes, of course" or something to that effect.
I was fortunate to be surrounded by family and friends for the happy occasion and news spread quickly. We had to share the news with others in some pretty creative ways though. My father, for instance was out of the country on that day and not due to be home until late that night. I had to share the news with him via cell phone from behind my booth the next morning. He was quite excited and rumor has it, my step-mother cried.
Greg's father was even harder to get hold of. As an active scout master, he was attending a week long camping trip at the Tomahawk Scout Reservation in Minnesota. Greg had to call the main office and leave a message to be messengered down to his Dad at his pack camp site. The next day there was an excited but crackled message on his answering machine wishing us congratulations.
Due to the craziness and excitement of a normal garlic festival, it was kind of hard for the news to sink in to my overworked and somewhat melted brain.
My head seemed to spin for several days, (still does occasionally) which is why the E-mail message I received from Greg first thing Monday morning, seemed particularly appropriate:
Subject: In case you had any doubt.
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 09:31:46 -0700
"Heather Simpson"
Pinch. Pinch.
It's not a dream. It's for real.
I love you. I want to be with you, only you.
What more can I say? I'm in love.......