On "Channeling," the Human Nervous System, and
Messiah Worship
The nervous systems of all sentient races and beings are designed to allow maximum access to multi-dimensional
information. Those people whom you call teachers, gurus or messiahs are simply individuals who have learned to
utilize their innate abilities to a greater degree than most of you have. This is not to say that you cannot do
this as well. On the contrary, it is imperative, for the future of your species, that you learn to use the fine
instruments you have. There are several things that are currently working against you in this regard, and I would
like to address them here.
First, there is a deeply ingrained habit that you have of looking to those whom you call teachers with awe. This
is a response that is fostered by the social and religious institutions that you have erected. This has several
1) You hold your teachers to different standards than you hold your friends and yourselves to, 2) you place perfectly
natural and healthy abilities beyond
yourselves, 3) you codify the words and teachings of some and create religions out of them, and 4) you relieve
yourselves of the responsibility of becoming truly adult and joining with the rest of the multiverse in the great
play of Being. I would like to examine each of the four points above in greater detail.
1) When your teachers/channelers/messiahs are held to a different standard, they are robbed of the simplicity and
infinite grace of their humanity. They are, in an odd way, denied the intimate contact with their people that all
need so much. At the same time, actions that would never be acceptable if done by a friend become so if done by
a revered teacher. This further separates you from yourselves and your teachers. It also acts as a block to developing
those abilities in yourselves that you so admire in your teachers. Under this kind of
pressure, a teacher, no matter how aware, can find him/herself on what you would call a massive ego trip, which
is detrimental to all.
2) Please know this - all of the abilities, all of the wisdom and knowledge of the infinite is yours by right of
Being. There is nothing that any teacher can know that you cannot. The beauty, love and grace of the All are immanent
in the hearts, minds and bodies of each and every one of you. The great joy of consciousness is in knowing that
this eternal truth is eternally re-interpreted by each individual. Is it not amazing that the same Truth can be
spoken and known in an infinite number of Ways? The Dance that results is made up of all the unique and precious
steps that each of us is. Your nervous systems are designed to allow you to participate, fully, in all levels of
Being that are possible as long as you play in the physical. There is no "higher" and "lower,"
in that sense. There is only the joyous variety of experience that is open to you, with all of the Sacred dancing
and singing in your lives.
3) When a religion is created out of the words of one or more who have gone a bit further than most, several things
happen. A structure is formed which creates and fosters the idea that there are only certain ways in which you
are permitted to experience your Being. This structure takes on a political nature and can then be used to govern
your lives and justify, in the name of whatever deity is being promoted, actions that are truly contrary to real
growth. This is because those who attain power within these structures rarely wish to give it up; having been convinced
themselves that true awakening is only for their messiah and not themselves. This also results in the majority
of people being actively encouraged to turn away from their own inner knowingness, beginning in childhood. In the
case of smaller groups which form around channelers and others, the same thing happens - you remain children to
the adult who "knows, " maintaining a vertical power structure and relationship. Consider this, though
- Each and every creature is on an equal footing with "god." What you know as the Sacred is not beyond/above/outside/unattainable.
You are not simply children of the Sacred....you ARE the Sacred. When you truly know this, and it becomes the living
grace of your lives, your churches and your worshipfulness will disappear, to be replaced with KNOWING and PARTICIPATING
consciously in all aspects of creation. Your lives will become the living, breathing celebration of the Sacred
that they truly are.
4) This may be the most difficult for some of you to hear. There is a great temptation to hand over the responsibility
for consciousness to those whom you designate your teachers/messiahs. You have, as do all Beings at certain stages
of development, a powerful urge to sit at the feet of those people and remain as children. This is a terrible barrier
to your growth. It also keeps you from questioning and experiencing the Sacred AS YOURSELVES. Instead of sitting
at the feet of those who have something to say, try sitting at the kitchen table, as it were, and share tea and
conversation. Both you and your teachers will benefit from everyone being held to the same standards.
As was said earlier, the human nervous system is designed for communication and access to infinite information.
All people "channel," whether they realize it or not. If you are interested in practicing this, it is
very easy. First of all, know that you are always in intimate contact with the Infinite. No matter where you are,
what you are doing, this is true. There is no separation between you
and All-That-Is. Since you will experience this most intensely when your physical body dies, it is a good idea
to begin consciously experiencing it now. After death, you have no buffers between you and Reality, but that is
a subject for another time. Secondly, know that your operating equipment - your brain, body, mind and heart - are
all designed to work together and maximize your access to the All, to the limits that the physical self is capable
of. When you exceed those limits, you will no longer be physical.
One way you can learn to channel is by sitting at a keyboard and listening. Listen to what arises in your own awareness
and type it out. Do not try to direct it. Simply type what comes to mind. At first, you may find a lot of "noise,"
but if you keep at it, it will not be long before you are taking dictation and writing some very aware things.
Some will come from your own deep awareness, some will come from those with whom you are in contact. As you do
this, you will eventually come to know the ones you are traveling with. Some may be Gardeners, like myself. In
any case, scrutinize carefully everything you type. It is important that you not simply accept everything that
is conveyed to you. If something does not feel right or seems harmful, it probably is. Exercise the same judgment
you would use if you came into some information via, say, a news program on your TV. You would check it out to
see if it was real and could be used to benefit your life. Critical thinking and openness to the All go hand in
For those who do not enjoy typing, you can do the same thing with writing or speaking. Imagine an old friend, one
with whom you have traveled for a long time, sitting with you in your room. Talk with that friend. Ask questions
and listen for the answers. The inner process is the same as that used in typing. Sift through what you hear/feel
and keep what seems good to you. In time, you may be able to allow your friend to actually speak through you. Samantha
allows a few of us to do that, although she prefers to type. The important thing to remember is that all information
is accessible by each of you. How you access it is an individual thing. There is no right or wrong. What is important
is THAT you access your wisdom, talk with your friends and take your adult places in the infinite Dance. Childhood
will not be left behind. It will only become the spontaneous joy and spark of your adult selves. We have been with
you from the beginning of your human journey, and we eagerly await your recognition and your laughter.