

AFFILIATIONS - Council of Frogurt, SoHoian Sporksters, and other secret organizations

WEAPONS OF CHOICE - Magestaff prefers to use his magical abilities over melee, but if forced to use them, he equips himself with his staff, 'Kelden'.

ESSENCE TAPS - Wizardy magic (major in Necromancy), minor priestial, Psionics

APPEARANCE- At first glance, Magestaff seems like any ordinary person, but under closer inspection, a strong figure can be seen hiding behind a robe of red. His brillant, intellegent eyes and vast knowledge and wisdom, make him seem much older than he is.

CHARACTERISTICS - Magestaff is seen as a person behind the main front. He appears without notice and will almost never let himself be known. An aura of mystery and fright surrrounds him, because he really never lets out his feelings and is calm in the most daring and dangerous situations. Magestaff has very few close friends because few can see past his radical and sometimes, insane thinking.

BACKGROUND - Magestaff born of a low class elven family in the slums of Zera. There, desscused with his life, he studied, teaching himself magic and getting a job as court jester. With the little money that he earned, he learned stronger magic in which he was able to use to destroy the cabinet and king that he preformed for. With his new found wealth, he moved to a secluded tower in SoHo were he taught himself basic priestial abilities. During this time, he has been mentor to many powerful students. He taught Frogurt, personally, the secrets of magic. With many apprentices, Magestaff has a constant job of looking after his tower and devizing more potiant spells.

GLOSSARY - Tower of Magestaff, Domain of Frogurt, Frogurt, Essence Theory 1