My face is peeling

Kinda gross.

I gotta long email yesterday from one of the few folks I trade long emails with. So this kinda makes sense.

She talked mostly about inter-relationships in RL (real life. ew.) and via on-line.
excuse me, I must tend to lunch....

Lunch Today; March 25, 1997:
Tofu/Veggie Hot Dog
Enriched White Bread Hot dog roll, lovingly toasted/scorched in the oven.
Sauerkraut, all natural (as opposed to polymer-based Sauerkraut I suppose)
Spicy Golden Deli Mustard (yum!)
Texasª-style baked Home fries, Quantity: approx. 17.6

In case you were wondering...

so anyways, as I wuz saying...
It's funny how on-line society is so much like RL (ew); fraught with friendships, cliques, soap operas, secret lusts, not so secret loves and socio-pathic psychotic killers. A lot of folks nerw to all this seem to think that there is a safety in playing and relating on-line. In some ways there is. There's an immediate distance, until you let someone in emotionally or until the "killer-types" do a reverse domain look-up on your IP, do a "whois" on your service provider, "finger" your account, look you up in the "white pages", track you down across the country and you wind up shooting them with your "gun."

Point is, I suppose (I'm not really sure I *ever* have a point), that reagrdless the medium, there are real people at the tips of that keyboard. The only thing the distance provides is the ability to shield parts of themselves, if they choose to do so.

Just a warning. Not to who sent the email or to many of you that I know personally from on-line, but for you newer folks.
Keep this in mind.
"Tell 'em Unca Rex told ya so.
so there.

Gotta go now, I have pickled cabbage stuck between my dental work.

* ridicule | cuticles | phonicles *

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