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17 August, 1997

Change of pace; I'm now dictating my entries. We'll see how this goes. I'm hoping that the ability to spew whatever I want at this thing will enable me to write longer entries and with more frequency.

It did take quite some time to train the dictation software, and it's still making the odd mistake. However, after a few hours last night, and a scant few minutes this morning, I've dictated these two paragraphs with only three errors -- two homonyms and one slur. I'm speaking pretty quickly, too; the ability to speak naturally and in my normal, strewn-together, ramshackle manner was a major concern, and a big part of the reason why I hadn't purchased dictation software before.

Saturday, Cara went on three-week vacation. So, she devoted most of last week to training the new girl, Tony. Now, Cara had asked me my opinion of Tony before she offered the position of assistant chat host to her. I really didn't know what to say; I was truly surprised at Cara's choice. At the time, Tony had only been a member two weeks at most, and I really didn't think that was long enough for us to get a feel for Tony, or her for the way we operate the room. I didn't tell Cara that, though, as she seemed really jazzed up about bringing Tony aboard.

And I have to tell you, I am not so jazzed. Tony and I don't get along, and we haven't from the start. She's the sort that will argue just to hear her own voice. She treats me like a moron, too, and you all know how I feel about that. She even condescends me when we're talking about computers, strutting around as thoough she's sure in the 10 months she's been on the net, she's seen all there is to see, done all there is to do, learned all there is to know. Had she ever bothered to ask, she would have gotten an earful about how ridiculous she sounds to someone that's been on-line tenfold the length of time she has. But she didn't bother to ask, and I'm not about tell her. I just hope that her position is not a permanent one, or mine certainly won't be.

The other thing about Cara's leaving is the effect it's had on some of the regular members. Saturday morning, Cara came on briefly to say her goodbyes. She didn't stay long, and when she went, she left me with a bunch of crying depressives to deal with. Oh, and belittling Tony, of course. I just don't have the patience to deal with a group of whiners lead by a contentious know-it-all.

Someone from MSN was here, as evidenced by the report generated at Siteflow. As far as I can tell, they've only been here once, and that was several days ago. One of The School Kids uses that service, you know. So, I'm asking anyone who comes here from MSN to email me. Yes, I know they have a huge database of subscribers; just do paranoid me this one small favour, okay?

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