The Work of Jozi
My face
My one half is joyous and clear and light,
My other is dark and likes the night.
Hide under a veil or face the sun,
Strangers ask me "what have you done?"
It's red, it's dark, it's bright, it's there,
I wish I could hide it with my hair.
You think it's a scar, a bruise, a burn.
Why won't people ever learn?
They stare, they point, they laugh, they heckle.
Can't they see, it's only a freckle.
A spot that's known by many names.
Like "birthmark" or even "port-wine-stain".
Don't say "omygosh" or "Ew, what's that?"
It makes me feel as small as a gnat.
So please be polite when you ask me why
I have this redness around my eye.
I'll explain it, straight out, that'll be the end
Then we can move on and become friends.
© Jozi, September 09, 1997
Old house.
Little mouse.
Wooden door.
Chimney core.
Broken glass.
Touch of class.
Lilac hedge,
on the edge.
Garden grows,
Cellar tomb,
Hidden room.
Treasure chest,
Lay to rest.
Muffled sounds,
all around.
Open eyes
Wing-ed flight
though the night.
My ice-cream
makes me dream.
Next time, I'll skip dessert.
© Jozi, September 17, 1997
The band plays.
The band aids.
The rubberband's elastic ways.
Band together.
Anna's band.
The shame of the Land's Contraband.
Bad man Band-it.
Don't dis-band it.
I think I married a contrabandit.
The band of love.
How I love thee.
Bands of Holy Matrimony.
A naked hand,
without a band.
I lost my man, I lost my land.
Divorce the man.
Melt down the band.
Go to a land with lots of sand.
Make a plan.
Take a stand.
Take your life back in your hands.
Sit in the sun.
Have some fun.
Before you know it, life is done.
© Jozi, September 17, 1997
These poems are the exclusive property of the poet. Don't use them without asking unless you want dark and evil things to happen to you.