Text is taken from IOGKF brochure
- Jinbi-Undo
- (warm up)
- Hoji-Undo
- (special exercises with tools for power, accuracy and stamina improvement)
- Chishi
- Kongoken
- Nigirigame
- Makiwara
- Sandbag
- Junan-Undo
- (stretching exercises)
- Kihon Jijutsu
- (base technique)
- Base technique without moving N 1
- Base technique in moving N 2 - N 5
- Kata
- (base technique)
- Sanchin N1 (Higaonna Kanryo)
- Sanchin N2 (Chojun Miyagi)
- Gekisai-dai-ichi N1
- Gekisai-dai-ni N2
- Saifa
- Seiyunchin
- Shisochin
- Sanseru
- Sepai
- Kururunfa
- Sesan
- Suparinpei
- Tensho
- Kumite
- (sparring)
- Tanren-Kumite
(training fight)
- Sandangi
- Kakie (hands pushing)
- Ude-tanren (arms hitting)
- Kihon Kumite
(base sparring)
One hit training fight
- Yakusoku Kumite
(programmed fight)
- Kakie
- Ippon Kumite - one hit fight
- Nihon Kumite - two hits fight
- Sanbon Kumite - three hits fight
- Rensoku Kumite - (programmed fight, including combination of several hits in attack and
defense with counterattack with hits series)
- Yakusoku Kumite (training fight for base grappling and wrestling technique studying)
- Bunkai Kumite
(Kata technique explanation)
- Base
- Traditional
- Real fight
- Ju Kumite
(free fight)
- Ju Pon Kumite (one hit free fight)
- Ju Kumite (soft fight)
- Randori Kumite (free fight with close attention to correct technique)
- Jisen Kumite (real fight)
- Shiai Kumite (sport rules fight)
- Irikumi (free fight without interrupts using soft and hard technique)
- Kakie Kumite (close range real fight)
- Senri Undo
- (calming down)
If there would be any complains from I.O.G.K.F. about this article I am absolutely ready to discuss it