The Packard House, so named because of the Packard it houses, has two thirds of it devoted to being a library/fellowship/coffeehouse room. It's often open Sunday afternoons. If you want to know when it's open, let me know. E-mail me. I, Paul, username "ognyen" have a e-mail account. I'm not linking it in hope that it'll reduce some of the spam.
Here's what you'll see as you drive by the Packard House. If it's open, like in the picture, I'm likely receptive to visitors. Give it a try if you like.
Interior looking southwest. It's got stuff for coffee, movies, DVDs, videos, music and more.
Interior, looking northwest
Interior, looking northeast
The fields around the Packard House can be used for games, camping, or walking.
Looking out east door of building.
Looking west from south end of building.
Looking southwest from north end of building.
View of the Packard House from the trail which goes to the woods. If you want to check out the woods, click on the picture. By the way, yes, that is an outhouse.