1. To make individual pictures (cells), go into your paint program (Microsoft Paintbrush) and under FILE choose NEW.
2. Under "Options" choose" Image Attributes". Change the units to pels, size to: Width 200 Height 30,
3.Pick a bright color for your letters from the bottom of the screen.
4. Under "Text", "Fonts", choose a plain font like Fixedsys, Bold, Size 24. OK.
5. Choose the text button (Abc). Click on the left bottom corner of your white image area. Type your name or another word that fits.
6. Drag a selection box from the top left corner around your letters . Move the word to the middle of the white area. Under "File", "Save As" fade1 on your disk.
7. Get the airbrush ,choose the color white (or whatever your backround color is). Spray the letters with the airbrush (Spraycan) so that some (not all!) of the letter parts disappear. (if you make a mistake go to "Edit"-"Undo"). Under "File", "Save As" fade2.
8. Spray the letters again., Under "File", "Save As" fade3.
9. Make about 5 files in total. The cells are now complete.
Go to GIF Construction Set and Animate the letters!