Animation Project 3: ZOOM!!

Make the car move across the screen

This procedure will work using most drawing programs but this demo refers to the program "Microsoft Paint" (It comes on most Windows 95 PCs).

Copy this image of a car to your clipboard. (Click on the car with your RIGHT mouse button and COPY). You won't see anything happen.You could also choose "save as" but then you have to convert the "jpg" image to "bmp" so you can bring it into the paint program.(LView would convert it.)
1. To make individual pictures (cells), go into your paint program (Microsoft Paint) and under "File" choose "New."  
2. Under " Image", choose "Attributes". Change the size to: Width 200 Height 30. (pixels)  
Under "Edit" ,"Paste" the car down on the left side so that the wheels barely touch the bottom edge. Save as car1 on your disk. (It will automatically make the picture a .bmp file type).
Now paste a second car in front of this one with the wheels touching the bottom edge. Drag a box from the top left corner around your first car . Hit the Delete key to get rid of the first car. Under "File " choose "Save As" car2.
Repeat the above step putting the new car farther to the right. Under "File", "Save As" car3. Continue making more files until the car reaches the right side. (I used 4). All of the cells are now complete. ( This is a demo and more cells would be needed to have the car run smoothly).

Animate the car now!


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