 Artists & Writers
 Work in Progress


The Book of the North is a collaborative project involving 16 artists and writers working together to create a CD-ROM and an exhibition. The project has been developed by New Writing North, with support from Hartlepool Borough Council, the Northern Production Fund, the National Lottery through the Arts Council of England.

This site is, at present, primarily a space for the participants to share ideas and information. As well as links to the artists' and writers' own web-sites, it also contains samples of work by them. The ideas section is where all ideas, thoughts and suggestions will be posted, so they can accessed by the collaborators. You can drop short ideas/comments in the Guestbook, when I've set it up, or e-mail items for posting to When we have work in progress, that will be shown in the WORK in PROGRESS section.

This site has been updated in mid June, prior to the work in progress exhibition at Hartlepool Art Gallery, which begins on June 27th and runs until the end of July. There will be a special BON event at the gallery on Friday 10th July from 7-9pm. This will include artist/writers talks and dancing to northern soul. The Gallery is open Tuesday to Saturday 10-5.30pm and Sundays 2-5pm.There will also be exhibits from local community groups in Hartlepool who experienced the BON process. Click here for some snapshots.

There is an e-mailing list for this project which can also be used to share and access the ongoing discussion. To subscribe to the list send mail to with the subject " subscribe" . Send mail for the list to the same address using any subject other than"subscribe" or "unsubscribe".