"If you want to know what God thinks of money, look at the people he gives it to." American proverbWell, here's some follow-up stuff:
Anna posted on The Outlet again- this time in response to a poll I'd answered (on stuff we're good at). Someone had put that they were a good kisser, and I said something along the lines of I suspect that I am, but it's not as if I'm biased here or anything. I also put I was good at whining. Anna put a post saying, "yeah, she's real good at whining", then put another one saying "oops, I thought that was whining, not kissing!".
Remember a while back when I said that I wanted to get together with The Tide creator and that I wasn't sure if I could do it on Memorial Day? Well, turns out she'll be in town on that day. I'm not sure what I'll do to get out of going home that weekend- Lisa said I should say that I'm getting together with friends- I sent Mom an e-mail (but during tax season who knows when she'll get it) asking if I could go home Sun. morning and return Mon. night- well, we'll see what'll happen.
And I finally went to the design counselor to see about changing my major. What a pain in the butt. Not the counselor- she's great- but all the steps! Let's see, I have to: a. meet with her to go over requirements (did that- I learned that I pretty much had done it right all on my own. Kinda silly, IMO), b. plan out every class I'll take for the next four years (eek!) and write an essay about why I want to be a design major, c. go back to counselor who will look that stuff over and refer me to a faculty advisor, d. meet with faculty advisor who will go over that stuff and FINALLY sign the change of major form (this takes about a week to schedule), e. then go get change of major form signed by someone in the Letters & Science (English major area) dept and turn it into Ag Science (design major area) office (will take 2 weeks to process).
My God!
The point of my changing majors was so that I could get into design classes during RSVP in May. Shit, it won't be registered with RSVP probably until after I have call-in! I am NOT thrilled here.
And did I mention that I have a bunch of French homework due Friday, and reading for psych (if I get to borrow Elena's undamaged book to do it) and solar system, plus work on taking notes for the solar system paper and look up magazine articles? And yet here I am doing my Web page like I've been doing every night, all night, since I got back? It took me 1 1/2 hours to do the page last night! My God! And for that matter I've spent two hours checking the boards and replying to e-mail.I gotta get off the Internet for awhile!
Then again, maybe I should look on the bright side. At least it's not raining like yesterday. And it actually got warm today!
Update: 7:30 p.m. Mom called to bitch about how Grandma got on the wrong plane or something coming in and how everyone's being an idiot about it. Greaaaaat . . . I completely forgot she was coming today. So glad I'm not there.
I also asked her about Memorial weekend- no, she wouldn't pick me up for one night, but she didn't mind my staying to meet Jenn, or my coming home the weekend before that (I don't want to be in town on Bike-Obsessive Weekend). Woo hoo!
Update#2: 11:13 p.m. Well, I planned my schedule for the next four years . . . and I started to hyperventilate right there on the couch.
To put it bluntly, there is just SO MUCH STUFF that I have to get through with the design major that with a dm in English, I probably wouldn't graduate in four years, even with summer school. And this is if I got into every single class I wanted at the time I wanted, every time. Unless I wanted to take 20 units each quarter (which I most certainly don't). "So who graduates in four years?" you ask. I'll give you even worse facts: You can't take more than 225 units at this school (then you are forced to graduate, with or without a degree). And after four years of a full schedule I'd still have six or seven classes to go for the design degree- and I'll go over the limit at five classes. I kid you not. I could get through the stuff required for the actual majors. Fine. If I was damned lucky I could get through with GE's- although I just found out that I can't count two of the classes I just took for GE's- and I was almost through with the social science ones too! But after all of that there's a list of "Restricted Electives" I'll have to take five classes of. And frankly, my dear, that's over the limit. Not to mention that I really don't enjoy the idea of perpetual stress for the next three years. This is too damned much for me. At least with English I could take my time and relax, and graduate. And let's face it, how likely is it really that I'll be a fashion designer over being a writer? Somehow I've always figured that I'd be a writer (talent or no!), and that fashion was a lot of fun, but I probably wouldn't get to work in the field (however, I like the idea of writing for a fashion magazine). But I still don't want to give it up!
I'm still going to see Buffy (the counselor- I know, vampire slayer) tomorrow and we are going to have a helluva chat. And I'm asking her if I can work out an individual major (getting a lot of approvals, but being able to make up your own major- I just don't know if I can cross colleges to do it). Well, we'll see.
I also called my mom to gripe about this, and she griped to me about Grandma- apparently everyone in the family but especially her is being a pain in the ass. Oh goody, can't wait for the wedding!
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Page last updated: April 15, 1998.
If you're procrastinating doing your taxes as much as I'm procrastinating doing my homework (thank God my mom works for accountants), hey, send me an e-mail. Not like you've got anything better to do, right? =)
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