Quickie Update

My Soap-Operatic Life

"You can't kill me."
"Give me time."
Angel and Buffy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
On the boards: I've mentioned that the creator of The Tide is coming to the Sac area. I may have mentioned that she was considering bringing another guy, a.c., from the board (from S.F.) along. Well, apparently he's coming. There was a post on the Outlet he put up about getting sent some beads with breasts on them (don't ask, you don't want to know). I put up a crack about don't wear them out of the house, and then he responds with something along the lines of "I'll have to wear them when I come to visit you, how else would you recognize me?" Hmmm . . .

On majors: After all that running around, I am finally a design major.

On my psych test: I was doing well, until the last question where I blanked. Oh well, other than that it went good.

On the summer: I am seriously considering summer school . . . the question is, will my parents let me? Again, we'll have to see.

On a column I found: I recommend checking out this column by Joe Lavin on being a "Creature of the Night". I loved it. But if you're a night owl, I think you'd just better read something in the archives instead.

On the above quote: I found myself watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer tonight. Now this is a show I have always avoided in the past, as a. watching scary stuff freaks me out, and b. I saw Sarah Michelle Gellar on All My Children and wasn't that impressed with her. I don't know if I'm impressed or not (although I did enjoy her kicking Angel in the balls!) now. All I can say is that is one freaky plot idea. Geez, do those people ever have time for their schoolwork? And why doesn't Buffy tell her mother that she's been off killing vampires? She never notices anything funny? My mom would.
Anyway, the plot tonight was this: Apparently Buffy's boyfriend Angel was a vampire with a curse on him to give him a soul. However, if he ever had a happy moment, he'd turn evil again. Well, it's Buffy's b-day (small world) and they got laid. Well, guess what- Angel turns into an asshole, totally slams the poor chick afterwards. I feel so bad for her! (Gee, guess why?) To have your love turn evil- then again I kinda feel like that now, except that I want to kill The Moron and can't due to legal reasons (plus I never see him),and Buffster has to kill hers and doesn't want to. But as the quote says . . . you never know . . .

Links to other sites on the Web

Icon Bazaar (e-mail)
The Tide
The Outlet
Joe Lavin's Humor Column

Page last updated: April 21, 1998.
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