February 8, 1999Changes Perhaps one of the most distressing events has got to be when a friend changes. I'm not talking about drastic changes in which they shave their head, pierce their bodies in numerous ways, or start worshipping sheep. Neither am I talking about the person just turning totally silent to you. for reasons you guess involve the moon being Aquarius and the devaluing of the Russian ruble. Instead, I'm talking about subtle changes that you don't notice till they build up over time. After you begin noticing, things begin to snowball. It begins with a sentence, perhaps an invitation to do a weekly activity that you assumed was already pre-planned. Then little phrases, body movements, anything seems unusual. Perhaps it's paranoia and you're teasing yourself? Or maybe there is something to notice? These are times when telepathy would be most helpful, but the more practical solution would be either of the two involved just saying something. |