March 13, 1999Deleted Though a computer error tonight, all my old e-mails were lost. Memories of electronic friendships, your tirades against Diogenes, important notices, names, and times. . .All gone with the simple press of a key. Complete worlds were destroyed today on that sector of a computer boot drive somewhere. There were memories, regrets, and both smart and stupid writes. It's all gone. Gone so quickly. There's nothing I can do either. I'm helpless in response to this. I don't mean to prattle on about this, it's just. . . it's just that I. . . it scares the hell out of me. Here I am alone and unable to do anything and I see an aspect of my life ripped out of existence. It just makes you think. We are mortal, we change, we can get hurt, we can heal, we can get hit by trucks, we can simply curl up and die. It just makes you think. It's time for bed. |