March 28, 1999Story Telling I live in my head; I've said that before and before. For the most times, I don't mind if I keep all my ideas quiet, but lately I have felt the need or want to tell stories again. I won't be doing it on this list though. telling a story, a good story is at most pleasurable when it is given as a personal gift to one person. A story can offer advice and shape lives. A story teller often becomes part of a story, having chosen to speak sometimes for the reason of solving a current life problem for either himself or the audience. Maybe I want to use a story for dealing with my existential angst. Or maybe it's just the magic a story contains when it creates a new world out of nothingness. Sharing the story gives rich complexity as the listener interprets each word in their own light. Moreover, the fantasy land exists now in two minds, not one. The story lives now. Two problems with telling stories though: One, you need the time and place to tell the one person you want to speak to and two, speaking in metaphors and symbolism seems to me evading reality. |