May 4, 1999Insults Is it impossible for some people to be critical of others and not insult them? I think it's true. I have noticed in the past week several times where I have had to inform someone of an obvious mistake that was within their jurisdiction of responsibility. That sounded cold and vindictive, but I'm really not one to sugar-sweet a situation. When I see an error, I will point it out. I tell it like it is. I did this twice this week. Both times, the party involved retaliated as if national security was threatened. I did not expect them to happily go, "Oh, you're so right, Nick. I will now happily skip off and change things for the better, all thanks to you." That's ridiculous, for I understand that criticism is often choked down, not readily accepted in some picturesque fantasy piece of caca. However, I did expect some humble humiliation, brooding, and temporary silence towards me. Instead, I got accused of being the downright lowest bastard on the planet. I've heard others be critical before and somehow avoid condemnation. Strangely, these are the people I hear complain the most. Maybe that's it. I tend not to express my disgust as regularly to specific people, so when I do say such, it's more damning. Maybe I should become more of a bastard so people will stop treating me like one. Screw it. |