Rarotonga Cook Islands Pg.4 

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This Cook Island lady was in the yearly "Constitution Days" Celebrations that start at the end of July and go on until the 4th of August. Other happy participants below -  sit and play in the shade.

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Photogrphy by: Brad Burch


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The late Ronald Syme was an Irish born author and  lived for many years in Rarotonga and wrote about life in the Cook Islands. Ronald married a Cook Islander -  the Journalist on  page 1 - Florence, is his daughter and is keeping up the family tradition. One book he wrote was called   "The Lagoon Is Lonely Now." He points out like this picture above shows, that many of the Cook Island people have moved on to other places and climates - the culture of money earning and canned foods, etc. are part of  life now as well and all these changes and migrations have left the "Lagoons" a "Lonely Place"...beautiful though they are.

Ronald Syme wrote about the place in Muri where he lived, "The soil seemed richer, the palm trees taller, the flowers more vivid. Between the trunks of vast trees lining the edge of a white beach, it was possible to glimpse the lagoon still widening out to majestic proportions."



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