William H. Deriar and Fannie Whipple

William H. Deriar was born October 18, 1817 in Erie County, New York. He was the son of Nathan and Eliza Deriar. His mother's maiden name is unknown.

William H. Deriar

The gravestone of Fannie
(Whipple) Deriar in Hope
Cemetery (1995 photo)

Fannie (some records show "Fanny") Whipple was born March 30, 1821 in Tompkins County, New York to Jonathan and Anna (Campbell) Whipple. Fannie was the couple's fourth daughter but only the second to survive infancy.

William and Fannie were married in Crawford County, Pennsylvania and had four children, two of which survived infancy:

In 1850, the family (William, Fannie and Arminda) was living in North East Township in Erie County, Pennsylvania. William is noted as a laborer in the U.S. census.

For reasons unknown, William is not listed with his family in the 1870 census. Fannie is listed in that record as a dressmaker.

Fannie died February 9, 1875 and was buried in Hope Cemetery near Wellsburg, Pennsylvania.

William lived to be 74, dying on May 21, 1892. He was also buried in Hope Cemetery.

Sources & Related Information

  • Family records
  • "A Genealogy of Whipple Family" compiled by Anne W. Foster, 1924
  • The Whipple Web Site
  • Diana Fitzsimons correspondence
  • U.S. census - North East Township, Erie County, Pennsylvania - 1850
  • U.S. census - Elk Creek Township, Erie County, Pennsylvania - 1870
  • Gravesites of William H. Deriar and Fannie (Whipple) Deriar