You travel towards the whistleing. The sound guides you easily through the brush and you come to a clearing. In the clearing is a Druid.

The Druid stops whistleing and waves you over. He appears friendly and good natured, someone you can readily relate to. As you approach he says to you:

"Good day, good Knight," he then laughs as if this is the funniest thing he has ever heard in his entire life. He rolls on the ground in mirth as tears stream down his face; constantly saying it over and over to renewed laughter.

You begin to have serious doubts about this fellow, but he soon sobers up and returns to his feet.

"I am a wandering Druid," he informs you, just incase you are blind. "I'm searching for an evil Orc, will you help me end his wicked ways?"

What do you decide?

"Yes, that sounds like a good plan"

"No thanks, I'll just go back to that path I came from"

Smite the man Down! 1