You ask the peasants if you can join them in their efforts in the game of 'Wack that Mule' (aka 'Wack a Mule', 'Wack the Mule' and 'Hit that thingy Good' {This, incidentally is the original version of the game which was invented shortly after a trip to the Tavern. The rules are much simpler and liberal, as "that thingy" does not have to be a Mule.} but this is irrelevant blather). The peasants welcome you, handing you a special Wacking stick (such as can be found on trees) and the game begins.

The mule runs around an enclosed pen, while you and the peasants chase it with your Wacking sticks. This is a cagy mule who has survived many such games. It lashes out with a vengance, knocking out villagers, what fun! It comes down to you, a small boy and the mule. You are in perfect Wacking distance.

What will you do?

Wack that Mule

Allow the boy to Wack that Mule

Forget about Wacking and use your sword on the Bugger

Wack the Boy 1