Smart Words - Sharp Words

It's clear in my mind
that you're brain-damaged slime,
a lily-livered low-life, to boot;
A gutless bloodsucker,
a sick motherfucker,
hyena and chicken-brained brute.

There isn't a doubt
that you gross me right out,
you shit-for-brains asshole and schlock.
In time, you'll be sorry,
your cock-and-bull story
will fester and rot in your jock.

I hate you, drop dead
you no-good fuckhead.
And if that's not perfectly clear...
Then "Up yours" you sleaze
and give it a squeeze,
you out-to-lunch pain in the rear.

If ever there was,
you're really a scuz,
you spineless scumbag of a turd.
You shithead, you liar,
your pants are on fire,
you beetle-brained terrorist worm.

Let's call it a wrap;
I'm tired of this crap.
This language is making me sick.
But one for the road,
You turkey-faced toad,
you clam-spitting, pigheaded prick.

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(* Poem dedicated to my late father *)