Do you know this fairy

fairyDo you know this fairy
that skips from planet to planet
like a butterfly,
tasting the scent and colour of Life.
From Venice
that smacks of forbidden delights,
to Neptune’s watery nursery.
on sugary clouds,
she splashes sweet crystals
at the sun.

Do you know this fairy
perched on a delicious monster
like a dragon fly.
She smiles at sunbeams
and plays leapfrog with the wind.
She strips
naked in the rain
and flirts with honey bees
to kiss their syrupy lips.

Do you know this fairy?
When you see her dances in the Milky way,
her tea parties with
other creatures,
do you fear her face in your dreams?
Do you long to touch her;
taste her,
have her membranous wings
to understand
her flight.
