Writingchat Bios: G
Hello to all! My name is Melissa Grant, an I'm happy to have found a group of writers on the Web.
I am an educational consultant in Charlotte, NC. I tutor learning
disabled students in all subject areas, but I am usually assigned
students with writing disabilities.
I recently received my M.A. in English, and my primary field of study was writing and rhetoric. Despite all my training and my experience teaching others to write -- I've never published a darn thing! I only recently began to even attempt to write fiction. I've written a couple of short stories that I like (as much as a writer can like his/her own work), but no one's ever read them. I enjoy the writing process immensely, and find writing fiction to be kind of meditative...All kinds of thoughts come bubbling to the surface.
On the personal side...I am on the verge of 28, and live with my
partner/boyfriend/lover/whatever (I sympathize with the recent posts regarding these "labels") Sean. He is a jeweler and enamelist.
See Mikey Huyck.
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