A passage engages our senses and memories.





Millennium Project for the City of Austin

Austin, Texas
Fall 1996
Critic: Simon Atkinson


As an architecture statement to mark the City of Austin at the turn of the millennium, this project seeks to bring people of all classes together and to celebrate Austin's greatest asset - Town Lake. The city and the river have developed an intimate relationship through history. The natural beauty of the river has always been a great source of joy for the people of Austin. With the intention of making Town Lake a memorable landscape and a civic center for Austin in the new millennium, a trail around Twon Lake is designed in the way which engages our senses and memories of the city. Series of markers in dialogue with the river and the city are planted on the river edge; a historic moonlight tower which will light up the river at night is put up in the middle of the river; a pedestrian walkway is added to the railway bridge to link the hike and bike trails on the two sides; and various places of experiencing the river and the city are created for public gathering as well as individual contemplation.


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