A passage integrates the joy of public living.




Redevelopment for Tips Iron & Steel Works

Austin, Texas
Spring 1996
Critic: Richard Dodge/ Chris Macdonald


The redevelopment for the site of Tips Iron & Steel Works turns a steel yard into the hub of public living. The site is linked to the east-west gateway of fifth and sixth street and sit right by the railway line and the train station. It is connected with emerging entertainment area on the western periphery of the central business core and located in proximity to the public recreation landscape surrounding Town Lake. With the intention of integrating these amenities and infrastructures into the heart of city living, a pedestrian walk under the railway is created to link with the hike and bike trail that is now cut off by train. A variety of new uses are proposed including housing, a shopping mall, mid-rise office buildings, parking structures with commercial perimeters, a transit station and a plaza. The old steel shed is reused for a market place. The plaza with water cascade provides a stage for public life to take place.


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