| 19.10.2003
Anyone tired of my ranting? Well, just look at the pictures like everyone else. I'm in a ranting mood today. I went to Turku, gratefully borrowing the digital camea of a friend, the awesome digital camera, I was about to say. In Turku I again remembered that Art is the [doing] love of my life. I love everything it means to me to be an artist. I'm a simple person and for me art is a simple thing. It is the thing that brings me back to myself time after time after time. It's also the most fun I've ever had. It makes me laugh and cry and strive to reach the heights that my ideas nonchalantly toss me onto.
This is a scetch I did in 1997 or 1998 in my dear friend's guest book. I was feeling lousy and being transformed by friendship, a hot bath and my inner images. Making art is the challenge to accept myself exactly as I am, accepting what I have to give, being all that I am. This is what I have, it makes me laugh. I've always felt I have to defend it and myself. I've felt it doesn't fit into a slot. (But I guess if I'll ever be interesting enough for an art critic to observe, they'll find a magnitude of slots, I can therefore rest assured).
In art school I have realized that there is noone on earth to give me the assurance of a slot to fit into that will give me the rules to live by and free me to never make another mistake. (I know making mistakes is essential, I keep telling my students that)
Life is just so bloody uncomfortable at times. I take a deep breath, do my thing, have fun, laugh at my own jokes, go home, try to keep the judgemental demons in my head at bay (it's okay to have judgemental voices in your head, as long as you don't actually hear them from outside of you, then you're in trouble).
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