*An insincere, contemptible, or impertinent imitation of something worthwhile.
Wednesday, February 24, 1999
Have you ever had imposter gas, you know, farts that don't smell like your own??? Man, I do and it's not a good thing, believe me. Even KittyKat is grossed out! I don't know how many times I've run my own self out of the house the last couple of days!!!! There is a slim chance I may be changing jobs soon, after nearly 18 years at the same place! This new gig would mean LOTS more money, but it's not guaranteed so I'd have to actively pursue it. This is not good since I'm a world famous procrastinator; anything not handed to me is a bit much for me under most circumstances! Does anyone else think Daryn Kagan is the ultimate fox, or what??? Definitely the number 1 reason to watch CNN in the mornings!!!! She's sure gotta a pretty mouth!!!!!!!!! Also, I REALLY need to get an archive page going, and soon!!!! Obviously I've been drinking, and it's WAY past my bedtime. . .and by the way, I'm still swamped at work so you're lucky you get this much! Good Day! |