*An insincere, contemptible, or impertinent imitation of something worthwhile.

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Body Casts For The Whole Family?

Sunday, May 16, 1999

The other day when I was out messing around in the yard I noticed the neighbors that live behind me have a trampoline.  Both parents and a little one were having the time of their lives bouncing around on it, giggling and laughing the whole time.  Yesterday I noticed the mom is sporting a brand new shiny cast on her left arm, from the shoulder all the way down.  I wonder if the new trampoline had anything to do with it?

Me and KittyKat are hangin' around out on the back patio, enjoying a beautiful evening.  Just minutes ago the little bunny rabbit went whizzing by, returning to the back yard from a dangerous trip out front.  A few minutes after that little rabbit went hauling ass back towards the front, a little dog hot on its tracks.  KittyKat was a freakin' too, wanting to join in on the fun occurring just a mere few feet away.

I shooed away the mutt, and K/Kat is once again calm, though on full attention as to the happenings in the yard.  She tries every trick in the book to escape out into the wild world each time I open the patio door, so I'll really have to keep an eye on her now that she's pumped and ready to kick some outdoor animal ass.  If she only realized she wouldn't stand a chance, being the big whimp she is.

I mowed and raked the yard this morning, getting that out of the way before the thunderstorms set in.  They were supposed to move in this afternoon, but as I look up there is only blue skies.  I was invited to play softball this afternoon with a bunch of fellow workers but whimped out.  Being so out of shape and having to work tonight, I knew I wouldn't even be able to walk by the time my shift rolled around.  I desperately need the physical activity, a Saturday game would have been much better.

I didn't get to see, or talk to, my daughter all this last week.  X's (formerly the wife) work schedule was that to where she picked up little one from daycare, leaving me kidless for an entire week for the first time since the big D.  I did stop by their house several times over the weekend, but the car was never there and the place looked all closed up.  I sure miss L/One's company!

Well, it's getting dark, making it hard to see what I'm typing, so I'm outta here...

Good Night!

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