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Tale Of
The Seahorse
One today,
No tomorrow,
Need to understand all this sorrow,
Why is it things are what they are,
Sad for awhile,
Happy afterwards,
No telling what is to come next,
If only we could read a text,
These complex enigmas rule our lives,
Or are they ours,
Who really controls them,
Is it us,
Is it another,
Or is it something else,
Just what should we assume,
What is it that leads us to our doom,
Who and what we are,
What are our limitations,
Our confessions,
Are our depressions,
All is caused by our deprivations,
Take this feeble little life,
See its strife,
That' s who things are.
To give the world but one gift,
So many, how to choose,
Should it be to share our views,
Maybe peace for all,
All for one, and one for all,
Which way to go,
Never will we know,
Until we have but one thing in common,
Not quite to share our views,
Or even to love one another,
One thing will bring these all into our grasp,
The thing that will unite sister and brother,
And it makes you wonder just how we lived without it,
We have always had it, just never cared to use it,
Praytell just what is this miraculous thing,
Just good old understanding,
With understanding comes rhyme and reason,
Patience another one,
To understand so as to respect each others views,
Wouldn' t that be news,
The overall effect would be unity and peace,
Our long overdue capture of our golden fleece,
'The truest gift to give to all,
Has already been given,
But not to use it is the greatest sin,
All in all the gift to give,
Would be to use our understanding.
I can once again see...
Gently beating the sands of time,
Gruffly roaring the sound of tide,
The rolling waves,
The shimmering waters,
The tie-dye sky,
The soft and salty breeze,
Sounds of crying gulls,
Stench of decaying fish,
Power within the pull of this mighty giant,
Influenced by a passive moon,
Man dared to tame it,
But lost in its backlash,
A pact with the stallions that trampled the shore was made,
In the past, a hundred decade,
That coexistence would be feasible,
Man allowed to cross its vastness,
Man allowed to search its depths,
In return respect and gratitude,
Or upon man,
Would be unleashed the fury of the maelstrom,
The endless rage of the sea,
Until he,
Who has defiled the pact,
Lay to rest at the feet of Poseidon himself,
And so it has been,
And so it will be,
Long after the life within has left me.
The Game
Why we avoid what we want,
I may never know,
The coy manner by which we play,
What we mean isn't what we say,
This we do every day,
With their minds we gambol,
Then leave them in shamble,
Never care what they feel,
To us completely unreal,
Games appear to be the way to find what we seek,
This game I shall never play,
For the outcome looks quite bleak.
To Be Or Not
Why I ask you,
Is it meant to be,
Everything I strive for,
Falls short of the door,
All I've needed or wanted,
To me it's taunted,
Just so,
To make this my living hell,
The stench the smell,
This rotting flesh,
The decaying corpse that I am now,
I look back and ask myself how,
Could I have let this happen to me,
I can not see,
I can not feel,
On my knees I kneel,
If only to hear,
Oh how I fear,
What comes so near,
The end,
And yet the beginning,
Of what was meant to be,
If only I could tell she,
It is me,
That which they fear,
Deep in their sleep,
For within the shadows of the night,
I am the right,
The truth which they fear,
The cold and unfeeling breath of the night,
I am that which they've sent for,
Now I have come,
Let thy will be done,
To all and one.
Past the darkened sky,
And through the starry night,
I await the magic flight,
To dream the dream,
And live the night,
To live the fight,
Tis I the dreamer,
Master of my own fate,
Only I can anticipate,
What's meant to come,
So let me see,
What's there for me.
The Prophecy
And out of the darkness,
Fall the stars of night,
The rightful heirs to the sky,
And beneath them lie,
The lives of the ones who follow their song,
And into the light,
Forgoing the trials of night,
Those who survive destined to win,
To free themselves from their sin,
Triumphant to an eternal challenge,
Stand side by side the warriors of right.
Through my seers crystal,
I see what was,
I see what is,
I see what will be,
So I tell unto you what I have found,
Open your mind to the sound,
Through my past I have done,
Many things that place shun upon me,
There I see,
Thus I know,
To live for the moment,
To learn from the experience,
To touch my aspirations,
That is why I act upon my impulses,
The things I do,
Are for my extensions,
To gain more from the more things I do,
Broadening my view,
This is why I commit my sins,
By unintentionally hurting others,
After time of searching,
After time of pondering,
I have come to rest,
Upon this conclusion.
All Things
The infinite gesture as we know it,
Can not relate to the fact of the relationships of existence,
For the universe itself is simply complex,
It in itself folds and overlaps itself creating a multiverse
In which, we live,
We seem to exist upon a plane of reality conducive,
To the fact that we and all are in a sense real,
Ahh, but what knowledge's do our minds conceal,
The real deal,
The truth of truth,
That the imaginative state of R.E.M. is but a shadow of our
The both as truthfully real and consequentive,
One will always effect the other,
Yet, how do we know the reality we now hold,
Ever so bold,
Is not anothers intricate dream,
Furthermore, how do we not know that the make-up of our universe,
Is that our worlds are atom nuclei and our moons electrons
rotating around us,
Creating some structure in anothers thumbnail awaiting imminent
The possibilities endless within the folds of space and time,
Our universe extends linearly like a thread,
But like an epicenter,
For other realities extend outwards like ripples in a pond,
We exist in all of them one way or another,
Caught in the eternal loop of this Mobius Strip are we,
The truth within and around us just may be,
To 'dream another dream, this dream is over.'
How can it be,
That I can not see,
Or feel what I have done,
How can I be,
So cold and callous,
My soul so vacuous,
My empty mind,
My hollow soul,
My feelingless body,
No fire within to lull,
Oh why does it have to be,
That I am not truly me,
My sun has never shown,
My once mighty river has been dammed,
I a flightless bird who's never flown,
Yes it is that a price for everything,
Must be paid sooner or later,
Damn this life and its misfortune,
Around its pain I have traveled by its equator.
Within the eyes I see before me,
I can hear their cries,
Of glee,
Of freedom,
Of fulfillment of a task,
But also the cries,
Of fear,
Of uncertainty,
Of never being able to turn back,
No more slack,
It's on to new and better things,
To achieve their higher goals,
What each ones future holds,
No one knows,
But with courage and luck,
You'll learn to duck (when need be),
Things may be different now,
But the memories will always remain,
As so will the pain,
The pain we've all undoubtedly faced,
One time or another,
A pain of love,
A pain of woe,
A pain of hate,
And the pain of teachers,
Driving us on to better ourselves,
Some pains though are worth enduring,
Taking in mind the harshest schooling,
Which lies await in the open world about us,
The challenges and victories awaiting are coming,
If you will remember on thing ,
Keep with you your memories,
Cherish those thoughts,
Of the good times you've had,
Even the bad,
From those you must've learned something,
And of the friends you've met,
May you never forget,
For if you do,
They will have been lost,
As well as a part of you.
To see what is,
Is to be true to thyself,
To say the truth,
Is to be with conviction,
But when others see lunacy,
You are dained a madman,
But when method comes into the madness,
Others decline the reality or dream (whichever it may be),
It is easier to not believe the truth,
Than to face it eye to eye in acceptance,
Then when a situation of moment manifests,
They fear what they witness,
So in fear they strike to eliminate,
The thing foreign to their thought,
Though it seems o'er the centuries they've forgot,
The truth,
The matter of existence,
The force that binds the universe in unison,
That which is the basis of dream and reality,
To be,
Is to exist in truth,
The acceptance of this rationale is obvious and so believed,
That the only thing that we may bequeath,
Is indeed truth.
Here we stand few,
Against he who construe,
In order to overpower,
Yet we the few,
Hold so deeply true,
The knowledge of righteousness,
Whether our duty be righteous or not,
We serve a common cause,
To preserve the truth,
Our lord creator made this so,
With the powers in depth we know,
The warriors of right are we,
We are who we shall be,
With control and focus,
We shall succeed,
And avail to the need,
Of justice,
We are the right,
So we must fight,
We are the truth,
And by all costs,
Must we protect it.
Is it possible to conceive,
What we believe,
Or is it just a matter of being,
That we're not seeing,
What lies await,
Should we anticipate,
The worst,
Or delay the day we pray,
Never arrives,
Be it the beginning or ending to our lies,
Time by time we increment,
The thoughts we've sent,
Abolishing any revelment,
Shall she see the truth,
Seeing she deliberates,
We conclude she anticipates,
The fear that is to come,
And then some,
The decay of the day,
Lasts an eternity of pain,
To the mundane,
But to the imaginically endowed,
A day of play,
For they see no lies,
Only what could and might be,
For truth we see,
We exist,
Therefore we imagine,
As does all that lives one way or another.
In Time
"All things change in time,"
"Even I,"
I arrived in time to witness,
I must confess,
An alteration all about,
Though deep inside I feared,
Things to never again to be the same I doubt,
But just how could this be,
How could this come about,
Then I turned around in time to see,
Something most deccadently,
A horrid thing most beastily,
Holding in its arms all things that were,
How could I be sure?,
There, I saw in its arms,
That what was once me,
Why, could this thing I see really be me,
Alas it was what I thought it could be,
For what was once me, bared that snide smirk of glee,
That I knew only belonged to the mirrored me,
The truth in time, I was to realize,
How do I despise,
The way I was,
Just because,
I have bettered myself now,
Hopefully I'll never be that way again,
Never again to live that pain,
To finally let myself go in time,
To cross the line,
Freedom there, in time.
In The Night
In the night,
It roams so freely,
There I can see,
An elicit figurine,
High in the sky above,
And there a dove,
But where wanders what was,
The strong and mighty monstrosity,
That must be,
I feel its presence about me,
Its breath in the gentle breeze,
Its touch in the ever concealing black void,
Its energy in the encumbersome warmth that doesn't exist,
I do not gist,
This beast of burden be about,
You doubt,
Experience for yourself in the night,
That which brings unsettling fright,
The unrest that covers its aura,
Burning brighter than anything we know,
Where does this thing go,
From where does it come,
I must find this entity within the night,
For it holds in its hands what is right,
In it somewhere is salvation,
Given by the master of creation,
With its knowledge I shall elevate,
The spirits within all for justness,
I choose to forever revel in this madness,
And yet I must confess, I know where to find it,
But that will take time within myself,
And through me I shall travel to the truth it is.
Riddle Of Life
I am not my Mother,
I am not my Father,
I am my "Self",
I am not my God,
I am not the Devil,
I am not of the Earth,
I am not of the sky,
I am not of Fire,
I am not of Water,
I am not the sum of all things,
Nor am I any one or combinations of the parts,
I am All,
As are we all All,
And yet we aren't but our "Selves",
By the grace of the All.
The Way
Things to be,
Things to be,
How can I see,
The things to be,
Tell how well it may be,
That we may see,
The right of words to be,
That we may see,
The subtle ways of thee,
Show us the way,
In ways we may see,
Thines highest plans,
Of things to be.
Eager impatience,
Quick to start,
The anticipation hightens the senses,
Painting an awkward piece of art,
Waiting on waiting,
With torturous time passing slow,
Forever anticipating,
An outcome you may never know,
But left to the open mind,
Of the things that will be when they arrive,
Not knowing how this person you may find,
Your hardest you shall strive,
To impress upon them,
The best that you can be,
Will they accept me,
Or disregard me so,
I will not know,
Until the very moment arrives.
Making Love
The simplest glance,
The gentlest touch,
The slightest brushing past,
The flickering spark of emotion shared,
The sensation of wanting to be whole in the others arms,
Like the fleeting leaping Pan,
Seductive, shy, and inquisitive,
Play the pipes to lure them in,
The sounds, the emotions, the sensations felt within,
Brought forth by only this one,
No other could take their place,
Nor bring the fulfillment in a binding kiss,
To be forever with one means to have no others,
To deny the judgment of overprotective mothers,
The joy, the bliss your other brings,
Alas the bird of love and spring sings,
Looking deep into the passionate eyes,
You feel the warmth of true love encompass you,
Lost in each other,
Lost in love,
But found in each other,
That which id true,
That they and you,
Are all that means anything,
All else is irrelevant to the cause,
Feel your heart pause,
And then beat in rhythm with your other,
Then awakened from the moment shared,
You know no other could make love to you the same.
Dark Angel
There, in the shadows can you see it,
For me it lies await,
Holding the secrets of my past,
Forcing time to move so fast,
The one that seeks after me,
No one can see,
My bringer of love and hate,
Only it knows the outcome of my fate,
For tis my dark angel,
The one that set me a-tangle as I fell,
The root of my childhood fears,
Is the one who brought forth my tears,
The pain and sorrow of my life,
Is the one who brings me strife,
Haunting and following me to my end,
Endless trouble does it send,
The one that seeks after me,
No one can see,
My bringer of love and hate,
Only it knows the outcome of my fate,
For tis my dark angel,
The ringer of my sorrow bell,
From town to town, place to place it has plagued me,
Never letting me be,
Nothing can be worse than this,
It is my own hellish kiss,
Life eternal with this pain,
Beginning to drive me insane,
There before me in the mirror,
I see my dark angel more the clearer,
The one that seeks after me,
No one can see,
What's happening to me,
I'm my own dark angel.
Boring days and lonely nights,
Mine eyes have seen many a sights,
Some spectacular and others dull,
The favorite of mine a sunny beach and a lone soaring seagull,
Tis time, tis time again to be that bird,
Chorus - Open my mouth to say the word,
From here to the everafter,
Tell me can you hear the laughter,
Show me the love they supposedly have for me,
Come now, prove it, let's see,
Can you disprove my disbelief,
That love is a fallen leaf,
And I am the tree from whence it came,
Left without love in complete shame,
Truly not for me to have,
Never anyone to apply the salve,
My mere life is complex yet worthless,
The pain and anguish timeless,
With no one there to know or care,
Never will there be anyone for which to share,
Alone forever shall I be,
This I can truly see,
For this I know,
As does the wind blow,
Chorus - From here to the everafter,
Tell me can you hear the laughter,
Show me the love they supposedly have for me,
Step forth, prove it, let's see.
Days Of
Things aren't what they were before,
Life has lost its meaning and its score,
Days gone by have been lost,
A fraction of our lives have been the cost,
The person you once were,
Is gone forever,
Loves long since past,
Now you're old, bitter, and crass,
With what is left you ask what's there to do now,
Maybe you can go and break another vow,
Chorus - Say good-bye to that what was once,
For never again will it be,
Where you were that day of memory impression,
It's time to say good-by to the days of yesteryear,
Days of old transpire to new,
You're fading away like this morns dew,
Far begone that what was,
Dawns the day of new things,
Hear the morning bell it rings,
In your ears voices of old resound,
To those whom they belong will never again be found,
Here and there you wander aimlessly about,
No longer can you stand tall and stout,
Time has had its time with you,
Your time is short and your days are few.
Life In Itself
Chorus - "Is it real or is it just a dream,
Dreams become reality,
Reality is but a dream,
Life and its vicious circles,
Around and about and back again,
Is this my first time through this life,
Or another",
They say life is what you make of it,
That everything you do affects your future,
Maybe they're right and you have to make the pieces fit,
But how they fit is for you and I to decide,
Others say pain and life go hand in hand,
If that's true then life is without love,
For love and life are the same grain of sand,
Carried in the beak of the snow white dove,
What is its meaning, what is its purpose,
This is something we may never find,
Why does it have to be an enigma to us,
Life is to live this we know,
Today must be the day we live for,
Not tomorrow,
What To Do
Years gone by seems to me,
The world is forever gone,
Now what's left behind to see,
Disappears as well,
My life in this hell,
What is wrong,
What have we done,
Now that we've had our fun,
Chorus - What our hate has brought forth,
Our ignorance has magnified,
These horrors in our minds petrified,
What we've neglected,
Is what we been,
Multitude of the faces and places of the masses and few,
What to do, oh just what to do,
The paradise is long since over,
Cruel reality now fills its void,
We reap now what has been seeded by the sower,
With thought in mind here I speak,
A world no longer for the meek,
Let us now embark upon,
The quest of exploiting what's left,
What was once but no longer believed theft,