The Embarrassed Zebra

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Welcome to the Den of the Old Grey Dog!

Jimi Greydog:
(aka: James Carroll)
Disabled Underground Publisher and Editor
Is available for projects or consultation

For those who just want Jim's work history: :

HEY ... YOU!!!


Thank you!

Hi, All ...
"Please Try to Remember This: Consider it carefully!

The 'irresponsible' beat (and hip) generation were born the children of a bloody and vicious war, during which nearly 50 million people died in the space of about five years. It was a remarkable and influential generation, much more important and deep than the "party-ON" life the media promotes as their only contribution!

This creative generation,( "those people"), in addition to producing Norman Mailer, Jackson Pollack, Andy Warhol, and Alan Ginsberg, under leaders like John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Martin King, and others, also fed and sheltered the unwed mothers, and cared for the AMERICAN poor and unemployable! They began the computerization of America, caused the end of a senseless and bloody war, ended segregation, began the fight against gender bigotry, led the sexual revolution, began the fight for woman's rights, created (and helped build) the interstate highway system. This strange and wonderous generation lobbied and marched until congress WROTE AND PASSED an equal rights amendment for the liberation of women, they advanced the course of American scientific and technical expertise (through the geophysical year and beyond) more than anyone since, and created the society that put men on the moon, and made the yuppies rich!

They went into the mountains of the Appalachian south and recorded the primitive American culture, raised the people from the hills and hollows of poverty, and brought people into civilization who had not had a nation to be part of since 1865, and these things were GOOD things, and all mankind benefited from them. There is no question about this. The very rich, today, would not be rich and could not have been as rich, had that generation never existed nor done its work, even though they hated every minute of it while it was occurring.

NOW, however, we look at the so-called 'responsible' people of the nation, the 'conservative" ones, who produced and accept the following leadership and philosophical support. They love the pompous Newt Gingrich, the idiotic and insane Ayn Rand, the phony Dr. Laura, the bigoted and prudish John Ashcroft, the treacherous Lynda Tripp, and the arrogant and self-absorbed Rush Limbaugh, among others, and they question not any utterance these minions ever whisper.

Now, under the conservatives controlling congress, these wonderful folks have just spent over thirty years in brutally UNDOING all of that brilliant and wonderful work done and attempted by the others! They began, at the very beginning of their ascendancy, in the 1960's and 70's, by undermining the equal rights amendment, which was passed by congress, and thus they caused the states to fail to ratify it, causing its defeat! Their first public impact was that THEY LITERALLY CAUSED THE DEFEAT OF THE EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT! Thye did it AFTER it had been passed through congress and was due to signed by the President. Was this not a noble beginning for their reign?

It is essential that people know these things! It shows a remarkable ability on the part of the people in power to ignore and reject the expressed will of the people, which is absolutely counter to the the principles of foundation for the very United States, itself! In a way, such a tendence is nothing less than treason!

There is more, much more against this group, this bunch of aristo-cats and gold-digger-kitties: The second greatest mistake they produced (which is more damaging than anyone ever will know) was this: They refused to allow NASA and the space program adequate funds and support, effectively ending our quest for the stars, and our presence in outer space. They did not and do not support nor adequately fund either social services, nor public works and utilities; in fact. they attempt to privatize these things for corporate enterprise, thus stealing assets paid for by taxpayers, and turning these assets over to private businesses.

They opposed, and STILL oppose, every single effort to ease the lot of low-paid workers, and the less than totally enfranchised, in the USA. They turn a cold eye to the lot of the disabled, the unemployable, and the less fortunate, often blaming the afflicted for afflictions imposed upon them through no fault of their own. They have shown themselves cruel, greedy, intractable, and evil. They have even REVELED in revising history to assert their points of view, while claiming credit for the work of others! And they have turned a deaf ear to the suffering and misery their efforts have produced! And through it all, pundits such as Limbaugh and others BRAG about these failings as if they were virtues, and they do this to this very day! Arrogance is their constant accomplice.

"To HELL with HISTORY," they say, "People will believe what WE tell 'em! After all, who ELSE do they have to listen to? We OWN all the media!" And they are right. they DO own all the major media in the nation. there can BE no effective opposing viewpoint ... it simply cannot happen! And it has not happened so far. The freedom of the press has been subverted by the ownership of the publishers! This is Oligarchy, NOT democracy. And it is evil ... evil.

These Ash-Holes of the right, with their running dog dupes, dopes, and hangers-on, show and promote utter contempt for the sensitivities, emotional feelings, compassionate thoughts and urges, desires for decent leadership, and demands for decent treatment and good government from the American common person! They show this every day. They even BRAG about it!

They are very good at political manipulation and bloodless coups, often moving an entire legal system aside to attain their goals ...they disregard, mislead, misuse, and abuse constitutional mandates and guarantees with impunity. If the system does not allow them to gain their goals they find ways to subvert it and use parts of the system itself to make the rest of the system invalid ... this was NOT the intent of the founders! They are, indeed, very clever, to be sure.

Bear in mind, also, that it has become quite evident to anyone really looking; that, though charged with the defense of the constitution, and SWORN PUBLICLY TO ITS DEFENSE, they have become its greatest threat and detractor. And they admit this, often. Again, they even BRAG about it! One can hear a 'conservative' pundit criticize the constitution every day ... and to oppose them is to be called names ... unpatriotic, un-American, etc.! Yet THEY are the ones espousing the un-American ideas and values, and that is the bottom line.

"Sissy stuff, that Bill of Rights!" they say, "Miranda warning? Stupid! Probable cause? Heck, trust the bully-boy cops. They know who is a crook. What rights? Fifth Amendment? All those are tools of cry-baby crooks to stay out of jail! Only 'bleeding heart liberals' want to keep them current! Our side needs to be tough!" They even passed an Ex Post Facto tax bill, in disregard for the bill of rights and an act of treason on its very face .. yet no one seemed concerned. Why? Because they own the media, who could have complained? Who could have informed an under-educated public that this was wrong? (They flaunt the foundations of this nation with impunity .. they literally are getting away with murder. Yet, they have the NERVE to criticize others! This is BECAUSE we have allowed them to PURCHASE ownership of our media, and thus made them, de facto, Ministers of Propaganda, in a nation that HAS no Ministry of Propaganda!)

Thus, they have totally negated, poo-pooed away, and disregarded the rights of the people and the duties of government, which men have died for and fought to preserve for three centuries, in one way or another ... These minions of the right are telling us all the same old "bull-shipping" lies that tyrants have been using for centuries to consolidate their power and explain away their faults! And our young are so poorly educated in their under-funded school systems that they believe them!

Okay, here it is: Two very clearly different and philosophically opposed groups coming out of the world war two generation have been defined above! Both of them have held leadership for a time and the evidence is in regarding their behavior in this condition of power. One of them has really paid its dues and shown itself to be far better than the other for the healthy guidance and leadership of a free nation! One group, while less fiscally privileged, lead us toward life, liberty and pursuits of happiness, while the other, for the most part living in luxury while the rest of us live in desperation, wished to impose eternal corporate servitude, economic peonage, social darkness, and misery, as it made for lower taxes and cheaper labor! They told us: "You will kiss the boss's ass, if he can make you starve to death by firing you. That's nature. Quit whining and just get kissing!" And the less fortunate among us had to. That is the way they have always worked it. that is they way they always will.

It is nearing time to make your pick, of one way or another of which basic way you intend to follow. In America, for now, at least, we still have a choice! In fact we are soon going to be facing several of these very tough choices. (And there has never been a more important set of choices since the German electorate elected Herr Hitler to the chancellery of Germany.)

MARK ME WELL, for THIS is the important part: If we let ANY group, social class or caste, political party, or these present arrogant "conservative" people take or keep control of all three branches of government, then the American system of checks and balances cannot work at all ... in effect we become, and at the moment, are, ruled by a tyranny of the corporations or others.. and not even American corporations, but multi-national monsters who control more wealth and power than the nations they are supposed to serve! And this will mean that we will have lost our ability to chose, totally!!

I think our kids and grand-kids would regret our apathy and lack of vigilance if we compromise their future in this fashion.

We should not try to help the rest of the world with its problems when we still have so many unsolved problems of our own. We should not accept the leadership of the political or religious right at face value. They are not at all what you think they are .. but then, politicians seldom are ... and neither are their constituents!

(And truth be told, neither are YOU exactly as you wish to appear).For the tolerant: Lets pick the vices that are harmless to tolerate ... greed and conceit and arrogance and covetousness and religious fanaticism are NOT harmless, but then we all knew that to start with, right?.

Thanks for your time. You may now return to your regular programming."

--Jimmy Greydog--2000--ongoing evolving editorial--
(right to reprint, with proper by-line credit, is hereby granted)
Jimi Greydog, and
(The Staff of the Enbarrassed Zebra)

Thank You.

Please send any comments or donations to:
The Embarrassed Zebra Press,
402 1/2 Bethel Drive
Eugene, Oregon, 97402


(We cannot survive without donated repairable junk.)
------------------Unimatrix Zero+++++++++++++++++++++++++
--- (The Embarrassed Zebra Press --- All rights reserved) ---
(note: Jimi Greydog, Shayna Storm Morgan(aka Stormy Wethers), Trinity Storm Morgan, and Morgana Pendragon-LaFey are pen names for James Ira Carroll of Eugene, Oregon, address upon request, and are copyrighted material of "The Embarrassed Zebra Press", division of Barataria, Northwest, Mr. Carroll's registered business name.)


The above is a shot of a soviet union submarine on a goodwill visit to the USA, during the cold war. You will NEVER see one again! The society that made it was destroyed!
(The Communist system that built it was a benevolent dictatorship that brought the russian peoples from the Stone age to the nuclear age in 60 years.)

Hi All,
In solidarity with computer journalists, porno writers and photo editors, snoopers and reporters and subsurface cyberfolks of all kinds, and cybergeeks and freaks or the world.. internationally, I say ...

Have a nice day....
Jimi Greydog
(managing editor,
The Embarrrassed Zebra Press!

THEREFORE: "Blessed are the peacemakers ..." -- The man, Jesus---Palestine--32 AD --

Time to re-read the sermon on the mount! Read the Declaration of Independence and The Bill of Rights .. CAREFULLY! They meant just what they said.
Read it again, Maynard! Just for ME?

Love take us all ..

Jimi Greydog
The Embarrassed Zebra Press
402 1/2 Bethel Drive
Eugene, Oregon,97402

"That's the PRESS, Baby, the Press! And there's nothing you can DO about it! Nothing!"
-Humphrey Bogart as Ed--"Deadline, USA"--1952-

--The Editors--


Copyright ©1998--James Carroll-- Barataria, Northwest.
Last Updated -April 9--2004
For more information contact:

This site built and maintained by James,of Barataria, Northwest, 1998:
Last updated on: April 9,2004.

--All Rights Reserved: James Carroll, Barataria,NW.--1998--

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