You have been forwarded to this page because you are using a non-JavaScript enabled browser, or a browser earlier than the 4.0 versions. If you do have a 4.0 browser, open the Preferences and enable JavaScript then reload.

Because I use Netscape and consider it superior, I designed my pages using Netscape standards and their version of JavaScript. Some of you still use older browsers or are stuck with Microsoft products. This menu page will allow you to access the main sections of this site, but IE users be warned; Internet Explorer was written to deliberately crash sites optimized for Netscape, especially if they use JavaScript rather than Microsoft's JScript or VBScript. You are welcome to try and good luck! If you get a "JavaScript Error" message on loading a page, select "Ignore"; the page will load and work normally. You should be able to get to the sub-pages from each main page, but if not, don't blame me!

This menu does not include all the pages, just the main sections. The search engine page is not included here because it is entirely written in JavaScript (thanks to JavaScript Planet and JavaScript Source). If the internal links do not work for you, try the "SITE INDEX" page, which has standard text links to every page on the site. 



This site 100% MicroSoft Free!