General Religion and Interfaith Links

This whole page is new 22 February 1999

Index of this page

Miscellaneous Resources . Interfaith
Religious Classifications and Texts . Atheism
Freethought . Humanism
Pantheism . Mysticism

Miscellaneous Resources

Americans United for Separation of Church and State
Many religious leaders support this organization, including numerous Christian ministers. This is a wonderful resource that deserves our support, for it protects our religious rights from the incursions of Reactionary Fundamentalists.

American Ethical Union: The Virtual Ethical Society
It is not necessary to rely on a religion to have an ethical system. Here is a site that discusses ethical behavior.
Ethics: Religious or Secular?
Another discussion of ethical behaviour, showing that an ethical system is not dependant on religion.

Ten Reasons Why the Religious Right Is Not Pro-Family
A reasoned criticism of this common slogan used by the Religious Right in the US.

The Gnosis Archive
Has a collection of essays and resources about numerous different ways of approaching the Sacred.

Bridge Building Images
Images in the form of Orthodox-style icons of holy people from many continents, ethnic groups, and religions by Robert Lenz; inspirational calligraphy by Abby Seixas; multi-ethic child angels by Tomi di Paola.
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Interfaith Alliance
An activist organization, linking openminded people of many religions to foster communication and understanding among us and to protect all of our religious rights.
From the site: "The mission of The Interfaith Alliance is to promote the positive role of religion as a healing and constructive force in public life. Therefore we challenge those who manipulate religion to advance an extreme political agenda. Through our shared religious values, we seek to build a revitalized mainstream religious movement based upon active civic participation. Learn more about the positive role of religion in public life with The Interfaith Alliance Foundation."

Religious Tolerance OrganizationSPECIAL SITE
These four fine folks based in Ontario Canada are trying to present succinct factual information about as many religions as they can. Please send them friendly e-mail and support them anyway you can in their much-needed effort.

From their site: "We try to be tolerant of all religious beliefs, accurate in our writing, and inclusive: we describe all sides to each issue, from abortion to female clergy. We don't promote a specific religious viewpoint or attack anyone's beliefs. However, we do criticize actions that harm people, even if those actions are religiously motivated. We are dedicated to "liberty and justice for all" (with the exception of those engaging in criminal acts)."

Interfaith Fellowship
An actual practicing interfaith congregation in New York, the website offers educational and inspirational materials.
From their site: "Founded in September 1989 by Rev. Jon Mundy and Rev. Diane Berke, Interfaith Fellowship, located in New York City, is an alternative spiritual community of worship, celebration, healing, and service. We draw from the beauty and wisdom of a broad range of faiths, traditions and spiritual paths, and strive as a community to provide a place where everyone can feel welcomed and honored in their own unique search for the Divine."

Rowan Fairgrove's Religion Links
Rowan's collection of links to various Religious and Interfaith sites.

The United Communities of Spirit
"United Communities of Spirit is a global interfaith network, linking people of diverse faiths and beliefs who want to work with others to build a better world. Our network includes conference facilities and an extensive database, that allow you to express the fine details of your personal beliefs. Our database organizes this information, seeking for the common factors and universal truths that unite people of diverse cultures."

One Mind, One Voice, One Heart, One Prayer, One Life
"Calling A Circle Of All People To Join Us in a Global Prayer Community to give the life of our prayers and meditations to Mother Earth and to unite in a place without words--the place of prayer.
The Prayer Vigil welcomes people of all paths of spirituality. In the circle, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Bahais, Buddhists and many others share in the program. Participants pray together for harmony among all people and for living in balance with Nature on the Earth. From many traditions there are ceremonies, songs of healing and thanksgiving, drumming, prayers and sacred dances."

at The University of British Columbia: A Christian ecumenical site: "This Web page provides access to documents and other material related to Christian theology from an ecumenical perspective with particular interest (a) in the relationship of theology to technology and (b) in the relation of Christian theology to other faith traditions." There's a collection of documents about a wide variety of religions, as well as links to webpages on a variety of religions.

AMERICA - Not a Christian Nation!
Quotes from the Founding Fathers illustrate the intent of those original men - real freedom from religion.

Surf Without Prejudice
To combat religious prejudice. The site-owner says: "The issue is Freedom...Freedoms that we are all born with, freedoms we are all entitled to, some of which is our right to religion, speech, etc."

Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief (1981)

Public Religion Project Links

A Christian Speaks on the Faith and Path of Wicca
Written by a Orthodox Christian who believes in tolerance and loving his neighbor, regardless of spiritual path.
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Collections of Religious Descriptions and Texts

Religious and Sacred Texts

Anthropology & Sociology of Religion
at Rutgers University.

MEL: Theology Resources

FIU Libraries Religion Internet Resources
at the University...

World Cultures
at Wayne State University, Indiana

Facets of Religion -- WWW Virtual Library

Encyclopedia of Philosophy Table of Contents
at Stanford University.

General Theory of Religion Homepage (version 2.0)

The New Religious Movements Homepage
at the University of Virginia.
New Religious Movements: Profiles
Here is a list of the new religions that are described on this site. Not all of them are really new in the world, but some may be unfamiliar to you, the reader.

Religious Studies - Alternative or New Religions
at the University of Florida.

New Religious Movements Links
at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California.

Army Chaplain's Handbook
Here's a complete list with descriptions of the religions recognized by the US Army. They include Wicca and Satanism.
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No link to the American Atheists because they're too Fundamentalist.

Infidels Org
Home to information and organizations about atheism, humanism, and skepticism

The Secular Web

The Skeptics Society

Freedom From Religion Foundation

Religious Atheisms
Addresses the question: Can one be spiritual and an atheist at the same time?

Files on the Page of Reason

Where Reason Fails, Nonsense Prevails...

The Net Atheists!
a bit of Atheist humor

Evil Atheist Conspiracy
a bit more Atheist humor
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The Freethought Movement has a long history in the US.

Freethought Crossroads - Your Guide to Freethought

Common Misconceptions about Atheists
Atheist Apologetics
Freethought Crossroads: Essays
Debunking Christianity - Freethought Authors, Books, Organizations

Tippitt's Freethinker Links
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The American Humanist Association

Council for Secular Humanism

Liberal Christianity: Humanism in Sheep's Clothing

Humanism Links at the Athens/Delphi Round Table
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Pantheism & Monism
Explanations of the meanings of these idea, in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Scientific PantheismSPECIAL SITE
in the UK -or- on AOL
These are mirrors of Paul Harrison's intelligent, articlulate, deep and detailed discussion of Pantheism. Includes a variety of links, including to Pantheistic Pagan sites. Highly recommended.

home of a wide range of information and a variety of resources about Pantheism.

Universal Pantheists SocietyUpdated!
an organization that supports all kinds of Pantheism - and it runs the gamut from Judaic, Christian, and Muslim, through Taoist, Hindu, and Pagan of all sorts.

Pantheist Net WebRing

Conservancy of the Phoenix, descriptive page at!
Conservancy of the Phoenix, Inc. Home PageNEW!
A environmentally oriented Pantheist conscious community.

Scientific PantheismNEW!
at the New Religious Movements Homepage.

Pantheism, a Religion for All

Naturalistic vs. Scientific Pantheism? by Bernt Rostrom
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Mysticism in World Religions



Finding God in Cyberspace

Nielsen's Psychology of Religion Pages

Seeker1's CyberAnthropology PageSPECIAL SITE
has great essays on such subjects as trance-possession, Cyberpunk as a Counterculture, Modern Primitives, Anthrofuturism, and other fascinating topics.

Zen Stories to Tell Your Neighbors
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Lovely Arabesque Bar of Amethyst and Turquoise

Here in Qadash Kinahnu

Additional Pagan Links

  • Pagan Links Library Room 1: Mediterranean and Ancient Near Eastern Institutional Sites

    Sites by museums, universities, and organizations about Levantine, Mesopotamian, and Greek/Hellenic archaeology and history.

  • Pagan Links Library Room 2: Mediterranean and Ancient Near Eastern Personal Sites

    Personal interest and Pagan sites about Levantine, Mesopotamian, and Greek/Hellenic archaeology, history, mythology, and religion.

  • Pagan Links Library Room 3: Pythagorean, Neoplatonic, Hermetic, and Mithraic Sites

    Sites both scholarly and personal about Pythagorean, Neoplatonic, Hermetic, and Mithraic philosophies and practices.

  • Pagan Links Library Room 4: African and Afro-Diasporic Sites

    Sites about Afro-Diasporic Religions, including Santeria from Cuba and Puerto Rico, Vodou from Haiti, Candomble and Umbanda from Brazil, and Hoodoo from the American South.

  • Pagan Links Library Room 5: Mythic Melange and Dark Goddess Sites

    A miscellany of sites covering Mythology and Mythic Art; a few of my favorite Dark Goddesses, including Hekate, Sekhmet, Kali and Durga; sites about Shamanism and information on Trance Possession; and a variety of Contemporary Mystical and Spiritual Sites.

  • Pagan Links Library Room 6: Interfaith and General Religion Sites - You Are Here

    More Rooms in the Temple

  • The Main Temple Directory complete list of over 85 rooms in the Temple.

  • The Neopagan Circle, subindex for pages of polytheology, rituals, and links

  • The Priestess's Quarters, a thing or two about me...

  • Thanks for visiting.

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    Lovely Arabesque Bar of Amethyst and Turquoise

    [Brilliant Celtic Peacock - Amazing Interlaced Feathers of purple, blue, and green, and a mischievous expression on its face][Brilliant Celtic Peacock - Amazing Interlaced Feathers of purple, blue, and green, and a mischievous expression on its face] © 1997-98 Lilinah biti-Anat

    Arabesque Bar courtesy of SewDoll
    Brilliant Celtic Peacock from Dover Clip Art

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