in f u r t h e r news

monday, december 21
Jessica took me out to this place saturday night somewhere in the desert where there were no artificial light anywhere, made me get out of the car and... ohmyghodthestars. The stars. it's so corny, but.. oh my ghod. Beautiful. Everywhere. Stars. Outrageous and extravagant. Bah. Too cold, thought :>

It was a pleasant surprise to find that Jessica's parents are as into movies as I am - I've spent most of the day reminiscing about V and talking about Clancy Brown and Michael Ironside with Jessica's mom while Jessica was at work. Very entertaining :) I'm glad to feel that they're okay with me visiting, and we really get along. Yey :) There's already promises of quiz games to play for christmas day. I can't wait, even if both Jessica and her dad'll beat me ...

It's funky how things work out sometimes. :)

(Aziza - ignore the following :P)

What the HELL is that song that goes something like "He got the hootch.." about? I've tried and tried but it makes NO FUCKING SENSE TO ME. And they say Tori is cryptic... I played some PJ Harvey for Jessica though, and HOORAY! She seemed to really like it :) In return, I'm being treated to a zillion things I've never even heard about, and I do like it. Yeah.

Strangelove.. (Okay so hehe I had heard the Depeche Mode things begore, but blah.)

OOO I love writing vague trivial entries. And I love Caesar's salads. And bad, bad, bad C-movies from the 30-40'ies with dragons that spit green paint (Reptilica). And bunnies. Yeah.

b r i e f: Engelbert. STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!! :P

[n a v i g a t e]

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