2 days on buses. Ate endless variations of dead potatoes (french fries, hash browns, potato chips.. ). Ended up in weird space country (Arizona). Rode in Jessica's Geo Metro. Had eggnog with rum. Met Kate. Marvelled at the amount of large pillows Jessica owns. Slept. Woke up. Went to Bisbee. Read excerpts from John Waters' "Crackpot". Saw a car with toys glued all over it. Rode in Geo Metro through mountains and deserts with far too little cactusesii in. Ate at Blimpie. They do not serve olives. Watched Stargate with Jessica's parents. Got Sugar's dog hair's all over my clothes. Didn't mind. Wrote this. Didn't mind that either. Bleep.
b r i e f: eggnog. with... rum.