in f u r t h e r news

saturday, december 26
Oooo. Jessica got me a ton of sweet Christmas gifts (two scarves, Monkichi box, PEZ dispensers [Spiderman!!], Frogs, Christmas lights [bringing my full collection to 500 christmas lights to be put up in my room when I get back] etc etc), but my favourite was this strange, green alien baby which is sort of an alien Telletubby, but cuuuter, and if you press it's tummy, it giggles as happily as the baby who got recorded for it did. I am already worrying Jessica/her family by my sudden possessiveness of it. My.. baby. *insert repeated tummy press induced baby giggle*

Played several boardgames with her family, had a very nice christmas dinner, and watched "Star Trek - First Contact" on DVD, which lead me to squeak and drool over Data to everyone's amusement (or horror... not sure yet) As the evening went on, me and Jessica retreated to her room where she played on her new keyboard (Bitch... she hasn't had it a day and is already disgustingly good. Green green jeallousy can be seen leaking out my ears at this moment).

I then played 4 Tori albums to her (poor girl - well, I can live with her not going gooey over Tori's voice - at least she thought the music was alright :), as well as cheesy Swedish 80's music (translating it as it's being sung makes me realize exactly how cheesy the lyrics are.. I guess I was always in denial), painting my hand with magic markers (take THAT, Madonna! :P).

We spent the rest of the night listening to Swans/Jarboe, eating Christmas dinner leftovers (mmmm, veggy lasagna and baby spinach... mmMmMm), and talking. I even taught her to properly abuse me verbally in Swedish. Finaly passed out around 7 a.m. with the sin red blanket Jessica's mother made me wrapped around me. Warm.

Downside: Jessica doesn't have long distance phone service, and the few times I managed to try and call collect to Aziza I haven't gotten through for various reasons. Eek :( And then, blah, on monday I better have my school loan money, or I will have to hassle my parents to deposit some on tuesday so I can expressmail her a nice, fat check with my rent/bill money in time. Eek. Money, money, stress. And Christmas is now officialy over (as always, the minute the last christmas gift wrap is ripped open, Christmas is over) Now all to look forward upon is plenty of Champagne and stupid New Years vows. Hmm, I'll try and think of some ahead...

In 1999 I promise to (ongoing list):

  • Handle money better (must get more CDs, and CheezeWiz, and Glitter, food, food, food)
  • Not take up smoking (considering my phobia of matches, ligthers and cigarrettes, that shouldn't be a problem, but you never know.)
  • Not scrape off bread mold and eat it, hoping to meet Santa in another dimension.
  • Think such evil thoughts about people I don't know. I'll just wait till I get to know them.
  • Not lose any weight - need bigger butt!!!!
  • Finish transferring diary/things to
  • Not spend hours and hours on the Pj site when there's nothing urgent that needs to be done.
  • Get drunk off of Apple Cider.
  • Come home and hug my family.
  • Not tell anybody that Jessica Giggles in real life.
  • Eat more Caesar salads.
  • Not buy any Jewel, Celine Dion OR Mariah Carey CDs.
  • Still believe in Santa.
  • Get more Tori/PJ bootlegs.
  • Buy at least 7 different clothes items that can not just be underwear, bra's, socks, scarves or $8 shoes.
  • Miss my Cats.
  • Still obsess over celebrities.
  • Not join any new cults.
  • Still like spaghetti with Heinz ketchup and Danish Blue Cheese.
  • Not get stalked.

b r i e f: "I am full of Santa's Blood" - Definately not Jarboe

[n a v i g a t e]


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