in f u r t h e r news

tuesday, december 8
The following post is mostly about the "convention" I was at this past weekend, and this will consist of names and things of no general interest to anyone but me, but.. this is, hrm, you know, a diary. So, uh... that's all.)

At 6.46 pm friday night I arrived at the Carolinacon (for people from the news group, and at 7.02 pm sunday night I was back in the real world again. Strange how 48 hours can feel like forever and ever and neverending.

Cast of People+comment

  • Matt - Crazy 18 year old theater major, with the neatest natural red hair I've ever seen. Matt drove me around a lot of the weekend, huggled us all plenty, and pleaded for sex a lot ;) He was also responsible for the most silly and fun comments, and swooned several ladies with his back rubbing talents. Adorable (especially in that corsette type of thing ;)(Not a Jen)

  • Jeni - Yummie girl from the area, one of the Jen*'s.. simply beautiful. She let me and Matt stay over at her place, made it possible for me to come along to the late lunch and movie, and was just all around sweet. Also, she showed me a page she had designed that has now been the base for this diary's new design. Hopefully she won't kick my ass too hard for it.

  • Heather & Brian - technically two people, but they were our hostess/host, and so I'm gunna lump them together. Heather, so generous it made me blush, and Brian... I'm just glad he didn't have to yell "Get out of my apartement!" ;) Amazing, generous people. Wah.

  • Midnight Tree Bandit - Dude, you rock! 8) Man that managed to make me listen to the Depeche Mode tribute cd. It was actually GOOD (with 2 exceptions). Is also a naughty boy, and squishes well in small cars.

  • Angela - Angela is a person who's posts I've read ever since I started out at rmt-a years ago. She is one of the smartest, most wellread, wellwritten, wellspoken yummie women I have ever met. We are bound to go shopping one of these days, dammit! Also mother of Garrett, one of the most adorable babies I've ever met.

  • /nad and Rich - another couple. Nadyne.. *sigh* Nadyne was just great. She has the ability to be witty and bully people, yet squeak as loud as I do when tickled, and so, so hugable it's just wonderful. Rich was considerably more quiet, but made his thougths and opinions notable through his wide register of different looks and facial expressions. Adding the fact that /nad reaches her husband -maybe- up to the waist just makes her cuter. Then again, most of us only reach Rich to the waist ;)

  • Hyoun - wonderful musician, who has a tendency to be really quiet and then spout out the most hilarious one liners. Strange ability to turn into a human drum machine, and/or Barry White.

  • Carla - hilariously giggly (and cuuute snort-laugh) and hugable, and with a huge passion for horror movies made me enjoy sticking real close to her. Add to that her sweet personality, and her connection with Joe Bob Briggs (I'm still waiting for her to hook me up with him..), and you got a darn cool woman :)

  • Rosser - I don't think there's any part of me that isn't thicker than any part of him, which is in itself frightening, but what he doesn't sport in bodymass he makes up for with wittiness and readiness to be kind to people like me, who he's never met before :P.. also gave me a nice e-mail addy to use at the news group so I can feel like I belong, lurker or no lurker ;)

  • Larry, Dani and Flop - Larry was rather quiet, granted, but he spread around a nice feeling by smiling appreciatively every now and then, and the sight of his long, spunky grey hair in a floppy 80's ponytail was wonderful. Also an impressive piano-player (though he didn't play Freebird ;)), Dani was also rather quiet but helped spread a nice atmosphere, and oh my ghod, her HUGS... real tight, real long, real warm hugs. Owned by the spunky chihuahua Flop, who, granted, was rather fickle, and a real attention slut, but awwwww... I miss the little creature already :)

  • Tim, Elizabeth and Jonathan - three ppl who made brief appearances and then ditched us for most of the weekend. I would huff more except they just happen to be too darned sweet and fun :)

    What we did, (slightly) condensed version:

    Friday Night:

  • 7.00 pm. Met up at Heathers' place. Me and Matt and Jeni were the first people there, surprisingly enough. After a glass of Dr Pepper, I was so hyper I almost scared everyone to death with my giggling, squeaks and neverending babble. Oddly enough, they all seemed to like it.

  • 7.05 pm. Proceeded to make name tags (one just isn't enough!), and sticking on people, insult Matt's fake beenie baby monkey by proclaiming it a cow-monkey (it DOES look like a mix between a cow and a monkey! Does too!), and making lame attempts to reach the door faster than Matt everytime the doorbell rang, failing every time. (Actually I won one time, which made me cringe at the thought of having to actually _answer_ the door myself. ick. Angela came to the rescue :)

  • 8.15'ish pm. Most of the people had arrived, and we were screaming for food, so Heather and Brian let us into the kitchen and presented an amazing table with 4 lasagnas (2 veggy, one meat, one seafood!), freshly baked bread, salad, and gallons of soft drinks. While we all ate in the livingroom, a Tori concert was playing on the tv, silencing the crowd every now and then ("Tori is such a conversation killer!" somebody proclaimed.. indeed.)

  • From this on, the times get kind'a fuzzy, so let's just say it was later that evening..

  • Finished food, moved onto Carla's fantastic chocolate brownies. MmmMmmMm!

  • Watched "The Grinch who stole Christmas". American culture is scary! *grin* And hey... the damn pervert never put on any pants! Who did he think he was - Donald Duck?

  • People staying with Angela left, and the rest of us proceeded to talk, listen to music (I MUST get a Rabbit in the Moon cd. Dammit!), talk more, awe at an amazing game of jenga between Heather and Brian that ended with every possible move having been made. Everything from the cow monkey to the baby Jesus was then put on top of it, each photographed and expected to make the tower fall but.. no. It was still standing the next day.

  • Me, Jeni and Matt left around 3 am and ended up at Jeni's place, where I was offered a neat arm chair to sleep in. I passed out almost as soon as I closed my eyes, and only woke up briefly when I had slid down from the chair enough for the edge to cut into my hip bone (I never even knew I had one in there somewhere :P)


  • Got up around 11 am, and left after a nice chat with Jeni and Matt with them to get back to Heathers and Brians place. Once we got there, we caught a brief glimpse of Jonathan, and were then promptly stuffed into cars (okay, NEVER let the thinnest person in the car get the front seat. Suddenly I remember why I would never eat tuna, veggy or not)

  • Reached a movie theater complex in Raleigh and made it into "Psycho" with Angela, Hyoun, Larry, Jeni and Carla (I sat inbetween the latter two) and oh my ghod... Me and Carla proved to be a very dangerous combination, giggling hysterically through the scariest parts of the movie. Our overall impression was that it was a lot better than either of us had expected, which says a lot considering we're both horror movie fans :) This is a movie you don't absolutely HAVE to see, but if you do, you shouldn't be terribly let down. And Vince Vaughn is just TOO CUTE FOR HIS OWN DAMN GOOD! (Also, seeing Anne Heche spread eagle in a bath tub is an interesting experience..)

  • We got out of our movie 15 minutes earlier than the rest of the rmt-a'ers who went to see "It's a Bugs Life" (everyone loved it a lot, especially the end credits, so I guess I'm pretty much forced to go see it now), and wandered around inside the movieplace, and ending up at an electronic fortune teller. Me and Angela both tried it, but I must say, her reading was _a lot_ better than mine 8( Mine just plain sucked *sigh*

  • Met up with the rest and ambled across a parking lot to Golden Corral, where we had plenty of buffet food (they had no chocolate ice cream!! The cook told me the pizza was cheese, I bit into it and noticed chunks of meat just in time!) and sang Happy Birthday to Rosser :) Downside - I had no pockets or anything, so I couldn't steal the usual 2-4 pounds I sneak out with me whenever I eat at buffets.

  • Drove to Angela's place, where we sat around for hours talking and enjoying ourselves, while Larry, Brian and Angela took turns at the piano, and Hyoun brought out Elise (his cello) and got us all to shut up with his wonderful playing.

  • Cuddled with Angela's son Garrett. Watched Tori videos (No one had a clue what the latest video for Raspberry Swirl means, other than the fact that Tori is kind'a insane ;). /nad and Jeni received un earthly back rubs from Matt that made the first one unable to put together understandable sentences, and the other to suddenly tip over from being jellyfied. Very amusing :) Also got to see the issue of Zombie world or some thing like that, a comic magazine where Angela and her husband had had the pleasure of being featured briefly in (both got killed, but still). Matt tried on a red and black corsette. Oh my ;)

  • Me, Matt, Jeni, Carla, Rosser, Hyoun, /nad, Rich, Heather, Brian and Mtb returned back to H&B's apartement.

  • A loose party followed with lots of talking, taunting of Matt, cuddeling of Carla, stumbeling around websites, listening to music and general socialness taking place. We managed to watch some sort of stand-up video with Henry Rollins (will I ever forget the mental image of him masturbating into a slightly too high sink??) and South Park...

  • Around 3-4 am, Heather and Brian retreated into their room, and /nad and Rich into the other bedroom, leaving the rest of us huddled up in the livingroom, talking.

  • After watching an episode of The Tick, parts of a badly dubbed japanese monster movie, and bad, bad infomercials, we decided to TRY and, uh.. sleep.

  • Failing miserably.

  • Between 5-7 am, we screamed, laughed, bickered and huddled, convinced no sleep was to be had. Fortunately, in a 2 minute break when Carla snuck to the bathroom, it got quiet enough for everybody to suddenly pass out.


  • Woke up around 10 am. As soon as everybody was up, the air was filled with "Dammit Rosser, you snore! - That wasn't me, that was Carla! -Uh, no, I think it was Matt?", leading to the conclusion that we all pretty much need those nasal anti snoring strips.. ;)

  • Heather and Brian served a gargantuan breakfast consisting of 3 pounds of bacon, two rounds of grits, tons of scrambled eggs, gravy, freshly baked biscuits and home made strawberry jam. My first experience with grits was surprisingly pleasent - I even went for seconds!

  • The name tagging ensued (Angela tagged me "Fearful of posting. Threatened by wide exposure? Enigma." I saved the tag and put on my wall :), lots of hugging and whining coz this was the last day...

  • By mid afternoon, everyone left just gathered in the living room and taaaaaalked. We started dreaming of creating an RMT-A community, and figuring out everybody's role in the commune.. the scary thing is, considering the amount of geeks present, we could probably pull it off financially. *sigh* And hey, if we do start out religion ("Church of the Reluctant Profet), we'd have no taxes.. it could work, it could work, it couuuuld...

  • *sigh* People were forced to one by one leave and head back home. Lots of hugging and sad whimpering ensued. Blah. Me and Matt and Jeni were the last to leave.

  • At 7.02 pm Matt dropped me off at home, and the minute he drove off, this huge sadness hit me.

    What can I say beyond "I miss you guys!". It was great, I thank you for letting me apart of it, and I know it'll happen again ("It's ground hog day!")

    Gathered Quotes!

    Yesterday and today have been filled with trying to complete last minute things for my classes (Last day of classes was today..), and calling home to get the whole money issue worked out. Luckily I got money my mom deposited yesterday, so I will be able to buy shoes soon, and I also got the paper approving my next semesters loan, so.. yey.

    Now all that's left is three finals later this week, a speech tomorrow, another final next tuesday, and then... I'm off to Arizona, and my sweet, sweet Jessica bunny! ARRRRRGH!!!!!! *ecstatic*

  • b r i e f: "i stole this design from jeni grant" Luckily, with her permission :)

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