In Further News


Sunday, August 16

Dunk you
Deep salt
Bring me
All your

I'll be
No hell
Out of
Your spell

Die of
Hear my
You'll be

Hell's no
God above
All drunk
On my love

PJ Harvey, Long Snake Moan

Well. I've moved the PJ Page to Simplenet, at least. I even got a news page going...yey. Today me and Aziza are moving into our new apartement. It's hilarious.

Tori Amos items I have bought the past week:

    A Tour T shirt
    Three Tour necklaces
    A Tour Ticket (well...)
    Two large poster
    One small poster
    2 CD singles
    The Great expectations soundtrack

Add my previous poster to this, plus my calendar, and I think you can image what the dominating decoration in my room will be...
So friday night, me and Jesse had decided to drive out to the ocean (3 hrs away) at night, stay till sunrise and then go back .. only we both napped, and then HE overslept several hours and whatever, so it just didn't happen.

Yesterday, we decided to give it another go... this time, _I_ overslept when I napped. Luckily he could come in anyways and wake me up, but still. How dorky. It was around 1:20 am and we were both really tired, but dammit.. I really wanted to see the ocean, so we drove anyways.

After a loooong, loooooong drive (including buying stuff to eat - I got snackpacks and milk) with plenty of scanning through the radiostations, we closed in on Wilmington, and Carolina Beach.. We parked the car, and were faced with the dilemma where to dress into stuff to swim in, but it worked out eventually.. I got to borrow a t shirt coz I forgot to bring one. And so we walked off to the beach.

I can't describe the beauty. It was as if my brain turned into silver mush. The whole sky was amazing deep dark space blue, the stars shone everlasting, the moon was steady fastened in it's position, the waves were enormous, and all crashed down looking like they contained stardust. There was even lightening in the sky, only far, far away so it only lit the sky up every now and then in a non threatening kind of way. I could barely breath as I walked down closer to the shore, barefoot in the smooth sand.

For 2 hours I walked right next to the edge where the water washed upon the shore, ran in the warm water, sat down and let the waves lick my body for ages and pull out sand from underneath me, creating my own little space in the sand. The sand.. the sand itself was so salty that it glistened everywhere... it was simply magical.

After a while we got each our own spot, and waited for the sunrise.. It was as if time wasn't working as it usually does, I was so slowly moving around my little spot, rolling in the sand, building myself a pillow and scrubbing my skin with the sand. For the first time, it felt like I was over all these years ridiculous phobias that have kept me on land. The water told me stories, it told me that it wasn't the water I was afraid of, not even what was in the water, it was simply being exposed to other people and feeling laughed upon because of my not so slim appearance.. I listened carefully, smelled the sand and felt the sea foam cover my feet, and the music started coming to me, and I could feel it, and it was like all those years washed away.

I know this post sounds corny. I don't care. Something connected inside of me. It's like a secret embedded inside my cells, inside my spine had decided to reveal itself to me, and I all of a sudden got access to lost things. Two hours, two years, however long I was there - when the sun rose, and I swam a little for the first time without any fear... I think I'm catching up with myself. I love it. I love it.

Heh, the only trouble came when we were going to drive home... where to change back into dry clothes. I snuck back some cabin and just skipped being shy. Whatever. The trip back was hard though, because we both were so tired, and Jesse was the only one of us with drivers license, so when we got back, he'd been driving for 6 hours.. eek.

I can still taste the salt on my skin. I can't wait to go back.

Tuesday, August 18

And you send me color
pulled through the
needle of you

Torn up I'm wearing it
What I wouldn't give to
change the weather around you
I'm never cold,
you're never cold

Lost as we spin
I'll sew you in
This perfect dress
skin of our skin
Woven our hands
silk is our breath
Wear it for you
this perfect dress...

This perfect room
this little death
birth without womb
What I wouldn't give
to tear riddle from riddle
for you
But all I know
it's all I know

Maria McKee, This Perfect Dress

Okay, so I'm sort of excited. Well wait, first let me say - sorry for the posts that just seem to pop up every now and then, I can't make it more regular quite yet, as I am in the process of getting settled in in America.. but you know how it is, it's how it was like all last semester. Well then, on with the news:

1. I am fully registered - 16 credits. Yikes.
2. I am not a drama minor, BUT. I get to take a 1 credit Theater practice class which means I can do whatever and be involved with the school's plays and shows.. and.. I will spend this WORKING WITH THE COSTUME DESIGNER! She will let me be as much part as I want to, she's gunna show me how to cut fabrics and sow, I guess, show me design, and we'll go through the old costumes... She's this world known costume designer from Russia, and she's got a son that's a concert pianist, and I'm so excited I could faint.

3. Almost moved in! We had our premier pool swim last night .. it was lovely, but you know, I ate 10 minutes before jumping in, and for the first time I had a cramp while swimming - maybe the old "wait half an hour" isn't that crappy of an advice after all?

Briefly yours, Jennie (who has more time to write tomorrow :)

Wednesday, August 19

I give you a
thousand hours,
making love in the
tall sunflowers

I give you a thousand feet
down where the water's deep.

Sleepy storm
sleepy head
Limb for limb
on my bed

now that you're here
stay with me
light years

Heather Nova, Light Years

So I haven't moved this to Simplenet yet... yeah, yeah, I know, I was being all pompous about it, and then it didn't happen. Well, it hasn't happened for a few reasons - mainly, that I don't have a computer of my own. I have been able to get online maybe half an hour/hour per day from Aziza's house, and I've had to spend that time putting up the news items that people have been e-mailing in to me for my Polly page.

The 'getting my own computer' idea isn't dead, actually. There have been some chitchatting, some ruffeling in pockets, some thoughts.. we'll see what happens in September.

Remember me mumbeling something about "I'm gunna eat nice and orderly and well when I go back to America" some while ago? Heh, well.. The past two days I've had a few slices of watermelon for dinner, and some things like oatmeal cream pies and vending machine honey cinnamon cake...

However, there's a good reason. I've stayed in school all day, and the heat really hasn't made me very hungry... I went shopping at Food Lion last night, and to my defense - I only bought good, healthy, essential stuff. I'm actually sort of proud of myself.

I got things like good bread with stuff in it, apple jelly for sandwhiches, Orange juice that's NOT from concentrate (big issue with me), spice/apple/cinnamon tea, fresh vegetables (and lots of them. I'm not going to deprive myself this time around, I've realised how IMPORTANT they are for.. well.. a vegetarian.)

I'm not very good at caring about brands, though, more often than not I just settled for "Food Lion Apple Jelly" or whatever, because it was indeed the cheapest available. Talk about a Screw quality - I want quantity mentality, eh?

Word of the day:

And if you dunno what it is, go look it up, that's how helpful I am (well I'm really just trying to pretend I understand it perfectly, haha)

Psmith says 'Punter as word of the day. Thank you.'

Okaaaaay.. Hi. That was interesting - I got caught up in one of my diary loops, which means I had to search to find one of the diaries I read sporadically because I don't have anyplace to keep them bookmarked and my brain has enough remembering my own URL's thankyouverymuch, and ended up scanning through diary sites and articles and collections and essays and opinions and all that for an hour.

(as I clicked on Save to save previous paragraph, I of course flipped windows and started to read another article on the subject of online diaries. Ghod.)

It's funny, This is my hmm.. let me think.. 16'th month of writing an entry, and it's been rather regular. I still haven't figured out how I feel about it. I mean, I guess it helps that this isn't a very big diary, I can't even begin to imagine how those journalists out there with hundreds and thousands of readers do it without getting affected. I guess they ARE affected, but blergh, I don't know what I mean.

I get some e-mail sometimes, true, and yes, it always makes my heart beat real fast and I feel all special, but it's rarely beyond a short, sweet note, so it doesn't really make me feel like the whole world is watching. In fact, it's only when I get into the diaryloop for a few days and start looking at this whole thing that exists, that it hits me that I'm one of those online diary people.

I don't know what I want to have said with this. I can't finish the thought, because I, as usual, got sidetracked. Whatever - bottomline: I DO think it's sort of interesting that you read this, I am actually flattered that you bother, it's even sweeter when you contact me to encourage me, and even though I might get stuck thinking sometimes about stupid things like "Am I writing too vaguely? How could I write for an entire week and still not mention anything I _did_? Is 'In Further News' a stupid name?", I don't think I'll ever regret having done this.

It's quite obvious if you have read through my archive that my writing has improved, and I have written about big things in my life that has helped me re evaluate them when I read through it later. I like this. Fine. :)

So now that I've attended all classes, I can happily announce that there's only one class that seems like it's going to have be on my knees sobbing and screaming out of boredome (Science Oddyssey), the rest seem okay, and two - outstanding.

World Societies seems like it'll be cool - first lesson and we've already gotten into a "Machiavelli is connected to Tupac Shakur" discussion (One girl swore Tupac is alive and living on a private island somewhere, another stated they've seen the autopsy pictures online.) We will be required to attend certain movies on campus, which I can't because the latest I can stay is 5:40 PM due to my bus commuting.. I talked with the professor though, and he named 8 of the movies, and heh, I went "seen it" to all of them, so I might be allowed to rent them.

I met my Elements of Speech teacher by a coincidence before class.. I was walking to the bathroom when I met a woman who shouted all the way over the corridore "I loooooove that hair! The colour is just so KaPOW! Makes everything brighter."... 30 minutes later I walk into class and find that she's going to be my teacher.

It seems like a fun class, mainly because of her.. she's very animated and opinionated, and she wants us aaaaall to participate. Definately a good class :)

Science Oddyssey 8(! He spent 2 hours teaching us the metric system, and I thought I'd die on the spot. It's okay because duh, I know the rest of the class might need the help, but when you already USE the metric system, it's like having it explained in detail how to chew your food. Blah sorry if I sound stupid by stating this, it just really didn't help my view on the class.

English will be alright, I expect... the teacher seems less annoying and demanding than last semester, plus we're reuired to buy The Bluest Eyes by Toni Morrisson, which I've already read and love, so it should be fun to go through.

Arts & Humanities WOOOOO! It looks like it's going to be SO much fun!We're simply gunna go through everything briefly, movies, dance, paintings... anything art. It looks like we'll get cool angles on it, though, for instance, the paint art section will be on "Body Art", so I guess we'll all compare tattoos and piercings and relate them to past traditions..

Sweat oatmeal cream pies don't sit well when you've barely eaten in days. I'll go pay tuition now. Ta-Ta.

Thursday, August 20

I think you want me
to touch you

How can I
when you build a great
WALL around you

I can feel the distance
I can feel the distance
I can feel the distance
getting close

Tori Amos, China

Word of the day:

Whenever I pass a traffic sign that says 'Yield' my mind sets off racing. I love the way it lies in your mouth when you say it, the way you have to make a rolling movement with your tongue to say it.

I was trying to remember the name of one of Jesse's cats last night, and all that kept popping into my head was G-Rat, which certainly wasn't it's name. By the way the convo lead on, I'm now terrified that the name will stick to ME. I am NOT a small, nervous, greasy man with bad teeth. I AM NOT G-RAT!

Yesterday was the first night I spent alone in the apartement. It was a real silly decision, considering I have everything but my bed and pillows and bedspread there, but it sort of made me feel the way it feels when you have a tree house, or a tent in the garden - You just GOTTA stay there over night.

I had my first meal in the apartement.. I have all this food and vegetables stocked up, and all I could think to eat was... cereal, orange juice and cheese sandwhiches. Tonight I GOTTA cook, dammit. I have all these yummie fresh mushrooms and green, green bellpeppers, and ARGH 8 garlics, and I even have oregano... I'll think of something...

It's so wonderful to have all my CDs in America now. I put them all in a long row along the wall, and I was a teeny bit impressed - I have 123 different CDs, or 147 actual DISCS, if I get to count double things and singles... In the excitement, the only thing I could think to listen to was my new Patsy Cline cd, and my Y Kant Tori Read bootleg with cheesy 80's songs by Tori Amos previous band that kind'a belly flopped. Sadly enough, I LIKE the album. Maybe I'm just a big cheese glob. I need hairspray.

I was also thrilled to see that we have Comedy Central (!!!YEY!), The Food Network (I ate my cereal and watched all this gorgeous food be prepared on the tv screen. I was quite a pathetic sight.), and some channel with just home improvement things, like how to repaint your chair or build a bird's house. I was in heaven, zapping back and forth.

It was just nice. I called Jesse, so we spoke for some hours so I had some sort of company... he told me that I can get to meet this 80 year old something man that used to be heavily involved with clothing design in the early 20's/30's, and "knew everybody".. I got quite excited.

And you know.. sleeping on the floor isn't that bad, when you're feeling good. I got a nice home. I got food. I'm alright.

Friday, August 21

you've got to give
something sometimes
when you're the sweetest
in an apple pie
I need some voodoo
on these prunes

Tori Amos, In The Springtime of His Voodoo

Word of the day:

Coz it's damn hot.

I talked with Jessica on the phone last night... WOO! I just love talking with her.. I mean, heh, if it wasn't long distance, I have a feeling we'd be talking 24/7.. watching tv together and holding the phone up to the stereo "YOU GOTTA hear this!"... stupid distance. Ah well. Sometimes Santa is your momma. I might hopefully yes yes visit Jessica for xmas break, and I'm so excited I ought to be slapped.

I got all my classes (17 credits), I paid my tuition, I got my pens and textbooks, I got my ID card validated, the sunflower in my hair is still going strong, people are being nice, I can swim in a pool, weekend is coming up, Maria attended a FANTASTIC Bjork concert, I have the Food Network, I will probably go to Jessica's for christmas break... Things are really working. Jeah.

I feel weird.. we had presentations in one of my classes today, and everybody's like.. barely 19, and sophomores, whereas I'm 21 (next month), and still a freshman. It just feels different now knowing that I got some age ahead of a lot of people around here.

Blergh, my diary's just filled with stupid school stuff now, isn't it? Well.. it's not like I do much else... If I get too boring, just e-mail me and yell "JENNIE go walk in the woods or visit a hospital or something, just CHANGE THE SCENERY!!"... okay? Jeah.

How absurd is it to wait for the bus in +80 degrees Farenheit SUNSHINE, while singing Swedish xmas songs? I dunno. Surreal, would be a better word, I guess. Still.

I really do seem to have some gland or something that leave a scent that only weirdo's pick up. Or something. Two days ago, a man proclaimed that I "have the devil" in me. Not shouting and pointing at me or anything. Just calmly stating it. *shruuug* Then I got off the bus, and a man goes "I love your hair! I can tell you have a wonderful kind personality, and I'll tell you about it some other time!" Heh..

Last night I was waiting for my last bus home to the apartement, when this old guy goes "I looove your colour scheme!", and I turn around and go "Hmm?":

Guy: I love your colours... The orange hair, the yellow flower, the green socks, the white skin, the red velvet purse... wonderful.
Me: Oh.. er, hehhe, thanks. :)
Guy: So, what are you going to do now that Blah Blah Cafe is closing (Cafe behind me)?
Me: How do you mean? I've never be..
Guy: Well I mean it's closing, and I know all you punkrock types hang out there, so where are you going to be with your friends now?
Me: Pun... erm, first of all, I've never even stepped inside of that cafe, I don't know anybody there either, and secondly.. Punkrock? Me? Not very...

Guy: Really? But.. ah well, I don't see any tattoo's or body piercings so..

Me: Well, here's the tattoo... and piercing's coming in a few weeks (my nose.)
Guy: But you don't want to be called a punkrocker or..?
Me: Well since I'm not a punkrocker..
Guy: Well, why would a normal girl just dye her hair orange and wear things like that?
Me: I.. thought it looked nifty, and I like colours?
Guy: Oh so you're a YuppiePunkRocker?
Me: NOOO! I'm a poor foreign student who likes orange hair and green socks, that's all!
Guy: Okay...

And then my bus came. Huff. People :)

Heh, the editor for the school paper just asked my advisor if there was a journalism student around, and my advisor pointed at me.. I never thought of me as a journalism student, I just happen to study English, and concentrate in Media and Communication.. So he asked me if I wanted to write a story for the school paper, but I said no, because it meant today, this afternoon, and I have to catch my last bus... Maybe this means I should hang around and ask if I could help out with OoOoOO I don't know, reviewing the PJ album that's coming up or something? I don't know..

It's really immature to go to a restaurant with two ppl (Aziza and Gene), and then laugh insanely hysterically for half an hour straight after a story of a girl being tricked into eating dried dogpoop, thinking it was a donut, right? Right...

Monday, August 24

I'm melting in the sun
And this is what they call
the life
I suppose too much sun
Makes a desert Arab say
"I really love this country"
And there's a lot I want to see

INXS, Melting In The Sun

Word of the day:


Pronounciation unclear to me (That is, I think I know how it's pronounced, but I don't dare to attempt and say it, I think I'd get lost in the midsection somehow) I've seen it thrice this day already.

Girl in class goes :
"Excuse me.. what is your name? Jennifer? Something"
"Yeah.. do you know a guy at NC State?"
"Hmm.. yah Joseph - a guy with long hair?"
"Yeah, heh I know him too, he said he had a friend here, someone with orange hair so I thought it might be you."
"Yah.. hehe :)"

First time I've ever had that happen to me.

Wow. I had -lots- of mail about PJ Harvey in my mailbox today.. articles, news and *gasp* praise. This is why it feels so shitty that I've had no time or ability to keep up with the News page the past days.. I'll give it a shot this afternoon.

A guy from Peru opened an e-mail with "Hi Jennifer!".. Am I a crazy mean person just because I don't see why people see "Jennie" everywhere on the pages, and think "Her name must be Jennifer, I should call her that!" Alas, it was a nice mail though, so I guess it's just my usual "hate when they get my name wrong" thing kicking in.

I just helped a girl send an e-mail to GENERAL HOSPITAL. I told her, "This is to the producers, and it probably won't get to the person you want. It would be better if you tried and send a snailmail to ABC with the actors name on it", but she... wouldn't listen.

I helped her edit the mail, and in the process, read it and.. yikes. I've never seen an actual "I love you so very much you are on my mind 24/7, here is my address and phone number, I'm the one who called your agency" stalky fan letter before. It definately scared me a bit, heh. Still, I decided to help her, as well, let's face it, how many thousands of mail does that address get?

"Do you watch the soaps?"


We got a couch! We got a couch! We almost got killed in the process, but alas, we got a couch.

We drove around all Saturday, looking for yardsales.. we finally find one, but are told that if we return when it's dark, we might get stuff cheaper because they just wanted to get rid of what they had (_4_ couches).. So, we return home, swim a bit in the pool, talk and all, and then we got in the car, drove the 10 minutes out into the country to the place, parked and..

Got severely mosquito attacked. I'm telling you, these things hit us like *that* and just knipped at us _everywhere_. We must have seemed as really pathetic cityfolk, slapping and scratching and eeking and all that, but heh, in the 2 minutes we stayed there and purchased one of the couches left, we got maybe 100 bites all and all.

We RAN to the car and screeched away, but the damage was done. Aziza is really allergic, and had big bites as a cause, and was in real pain, I had burny sensations all over as I am somewhat allergic, and Gene was just scratching a lot.

Back at the apartement, Aziza shared her callamine spray with us, and gave us some pills that helps stop the itching.. She ended up looking like she had been attacked by some grafitti gang, and Gene.. poor Gene had these red spots all over his face.

Despite our misery, Aziza went to the movies, and Gene and I went and rented movies... (Walking and Talking, which was an alright movie, Andy Kaufman special - he really DID impersonate Elvis AMAZINGLY, Austin Powers, hehe hehe heh, it funny, hehe hehe, heh.)

Also, I got Scream 2, which I watched alone Saturday Morning around 3 am.. I feel SO CHEATED. It was _terrible_! I figured out who the killer(s) were the second I saw'm! Not to mention, the so called "gory stuff" wasn't very gory, the killer is a dork because it's not a spooky weird psycho like Freddy Krueger or Jason, it's just a stupid human in a robe and an ugly plastic mask.. I don't know. I was disappointed. BLERGH. So disappointed.

Yes, I'm the horror fan, yeah yeah..

Okay, question. How come everyone knows who Robocop or Superman is, in the respective worlds they live in, and they STILL try and shoot them whenever they're caught comitting a crime? WHY? You KNOW your bullets aren't going to do a thing to the armor of Robocop, and that Superman's skin just bounce it off, so BLARGH why do they have to be so stupid? Yes, I watched parts of Superman II last

The new couch! It's a two seated BIG heavy blue puffy thing, that RECLINES... It's not just something to sit in, this is something to live in, to eat in, to sleep in, to breed in.. I think I know fully understand what a sofasphere can be.

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© 1996,1997, 1998 Jennie Alibasic 1