March of the Living 1999 Diary
April 16, 3:45 PM
Okay, now I’m upset. I’ll get to the reason in just a minute. First, a brief glimpse of what we did today:
We toured the area where the Warsaw getto used to be. There’s nothing there now to show what it was. Honestly, I was so tired that I didn’t even listen to anything our guide said. I was thinking of a new story I might write about partisans.
Then we were supposed to have an hour of free time in the square. After 25 minutes (or less) we were all herded back on the bus because there had been some skinheads in the square. I haven’t gone into a single store.
I mean, really! This whole trip has been showing us about our past, and I see in that also our mistakes. One of them was passivity. We’re showing them that they can still push us around!
We talked a lot about the reasons and our actions on the bus coming back here to the hotel. (ie: 10 minutes or less), but I don’t feel like getting into it now.
There’s a game of Mau I’m going to join. We have 4 hours of free time, and I’m going to use them.