What's new...
Hello and welcome to my VW BeetleMania webpage.  All you out there who's devoted to Beetle's then this is the place to come to.  There's loads of stuff to keep you entertained, so if you have anything to shout about, 
E-mail me on:
On this page, you will find Info on different types of beetles, (not all of them, though - give me time!!!) view pictures of them, (including some new beetles) and read reviews from both VolksWorld magazine and some Shows around the country.  Here are some links to other Beetle sites on the web.

What it includes...
Infomation on all types of Beetles, e.g. classics, rare modles, prices etc.
Pictures of any type of Beetle I come across!!! 
Includes news and reviews from Volks World magazine, and from a few shows from around the contry
Pictures of your own beetles with info of date and name. They'll all be published on my page as soon as they get sent! (Don't worry about condition.) 
The site for the best VW magazine, specialising on Beetles, camper Vans and more.
Links to other good Beetle sites on the web.

*Featured on my BeetleMania site this month:

Click here to read about it...

*Some of the infomation and pictures are from the January issue of Volks World magazine. Go there...