Topps' Art Studio

I used to draw a lot in my spare time. Now I don't have the time or the creativity. :( Someday soon I hope I can pick it back up. Most of my drawings are in pencil. Most are a few years old so they might have smeared a bit, but they still look cool!
This has got to be one of my best and favorite drawings. Its an original character of mine named Riddle.

Another really cool character concept, Deadeye. The outfit is taken from a Champions RPG.

Topps w/ Jacket
This without a doubt my favorite creation. Not the best drawing but still cool. I 1st started drawing 11 years ago, and Topps was among the 1st superheroes I created. Hence the wonderful name I've taken for my webpage. This is just one of his many costume designs for him. If I find some more of them i'll put them up eventually.

Art in other forms

Some writings and such

A poem I wrote with some of that cool magnetic poetry...

Angel of Glass

her electric silhouette shimmered
I imagine us
but I know it never is
a glass angel above me

This poem was not a magnetic one. Wanted to use the word jackboot, so I worked it in.

You take my hopes and inflate them,
Only to throw them to the ground.
You crush them beneath the heel of your well polished jackboot.
Grinding and grinding them into a fine dust.
Picking up the dest in your cold hand, you bring it to your lips,
and whisper, "You are nothing."
slowly you blow the dust from your hand into the breeze.
the wind catches it and its gone...

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