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"The father of success is work. The mother of success is ambition. The oldest son is common sense. Some of the other boys are: perseverance, honesty, thoroughness, foresight, enthusiasm, cooperation. The oldest daughter is character. Some of the sisters are: cheerfulness, loyalty, courtesy, care, economy, sincerity, harmony. The baby is opportunity. Get acquainted with the "old man" and you will be able to get along pretty with the rest of the family."

-Yeoman Shield-

Lecturer: (August 1995 - June 1999)/Assistant Prof. (June 1999-Present)
Sultan Qaboos University, College of Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Department
Taught several courses and published significant research papers.

Research Engineer: (April 1993 - August 1995)
Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Inazawa Works, Japan.
New Products Development Group
Projects Worked on:

  • Design of a Linear Induction Motor for the Traction of Elevators.

  • Design of Linear Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for Traction of Ropeless Elevators.

  • Improvement of control techniques for the drive a Linear Induction Motor

  • Improvement of Linear Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Control Technique.

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Senior Engineer: (December 1985 - October 1987)
Institut National de la Normalization et de la Propriete Inductrielles (INNORPI), Tunis, Tunisia
Activities Included:
Coordination of  the committees responsible of the creation of Tunisian standards for electrical and electronic products and systems. In addition, investigated and controlled the quality and the conformity to the Tunisian standards of some electrical products (lamps, connectors used in power distribution lines).

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Engineer in Training: (Septmber 1985 - November 1985)
Societe de Fabrication d'Equipement Electrique (FABRELEC), Tunis, Tunisia
Activities Included:
Supervision of the Manufacturing of Controle Panels for Electrical Power Transformer Station (hight Voltage to Low Voltage)

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Engineer in Training: (June 1983 - August 1983)
Adapazari Sugar Factory, Adapazari, Turkey
Activities Included:
• Maintenance and repair of Electric Motor windings.
• Maintenance of Synchronous Machine Generators.

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"The average person puts only 25 percent of his energy and ability into his work. The world takes off its hat to those who put in more than 50 percent of their capacity, and stands on its head for those few and far between souls who devote 100 percent."
-Andrew Carnegie-


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