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Journal 01/10/02

Well, it's been a long friggin time since I've updated this webpage. During that time, I purchased a new computer and am set up like never before with fast Cable Internet connection and a kickass cpu. In the future this computer will only get faster and faster. Also, my friend Chris, has been showing me how to use Windows XP as a server. Or I mean XP allows my computer to become a server. Therfore, I will have up to the 20gb of my computer to use for the webpage. The downside is that the webpage will have to change names into my IP Address until I can figure a cheap way of getting a domain name. He knows a way, but as of now I don't have money to spend. And in the future I am only saving and spending a minimal amount for the weekends or small purchases. This computer cost me an arm and a leg. No weather update tonight. Honestly there's nothing interesting in the news. We had our first measurable snowfall this past weekend. Around here 3" fell. However, up in Scranton, those bastards, got 15-24" depending on elevation. The skiing must have been incredible. Most meteorologists and the models were expecting a max of 8" from this past storm. However, many areas received over a foot. There are no other big storms in the foreseeable future. The only possible hint of cool weather would be if all that cold air in Canada decided to come down here. We'll have to wait and see. A few people were talking about how this weekend is the solar max. on the sunspot cycle. Apparently there is a trend for the weather to be more stormy during sunspost cycles. Therefore, some people think this weekend will be stormy. I agree, that it will be stormy this weekend, just not in the Middle Atlantic. The Cape has the best chance for any stormy weather from a low that will spin-up off the coast on Saturday night...8^)...Ev