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Journal 02/05/02
HAPPY 50th MOM!!!
It's been a long time since I've updated the webpage. So much has happened that it would take pages to write, but I'll keep it brief. The Eagles had an awesome year and almost made it too the superbowl. Surprisingly the superbowl was better than the commercials this year. Actually, it was the best superbowl I've ever seen. Patriots over the Rams. My weekends have been ok. Most of my friends left for school or have jobs and are too busy to hang out. That's why I look forward to this weekend in Scranton so damn much and other weekends in the future. Before, this was just my regular life. Now I realize how much it really kicked ass! I miss it. My Chemistry class at night is going to be a challenge. I just have to make myself read the text thoroughly. Thank God the class is spread over a few months. That gives me time to digest the info. Those month long intersession classes were TOOOO short to cram a semester's worth of classes into. Everything else is good. I just need to hit up the gym some more and look like my brother hanz...8^)...Ev